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Despoblación y desarrollo rural. Propuestas desde la Economía Social
Depopulation and rural development. Proposals from the Social Economy

Organised by IUDESCOOP, Faculty of Law, sponsored by the Conselleria d'Economia Sostenible Sectors Productius, Comerç i Treball.


9 a.m. Presentation: Francisco Javier Palao Gil. Dean of the Faculty of Law, and Gemma Fajardo García, director of the Cooperative Law and Social Economy Seminar.

9:10 a.m. FIRST ROUND TABLE. Jesús Olavarría Iglesia presents and moderates the debate. Associate Professor of Mercantile Law. UV. And Professor of the Master's Degree in Social Economics. Jaime Escribano Pizarro “La problemática del medio rural y las actuaciones llevadas a cabo”. PhD in Geography.  Professor of the Institute of Local Development of the UV; member of the Research Group on Rural Development and Evaluation of Public Policies, and Professor of the Master's Degree in Social Economics. Josefa Tornero I Belda. “Nuevas iniciativas de emprendimiento en el territorio. Programación Leader 2014-2020”.  Employment and Local Development Agent of the Mancomunidad de La Costera-Canal and Head of the Rural Development Secretariat of Adlypse in Valencia. Juan Miguel del Real Sánchez-Flor “Las cooperativas rurales de Castilla-La Mancha”. Director of Agrifood Cooperatives of the Community of Castilla-La Macha. Myriam Mestre. “Las cooperativas agroalimentarias y su contribución al desarrollo rural”. Technician of Rural Development Agro-Alimentary Cooperatives of the Valencian Community.

11 a.m. Break.

11:15 a.m. SECOND ROUND TABLE. María José Vañó Vañó presents and moderates this debate. Associate Professor of Mercantile Law. UV. And Professor of the Master's Degree in Social Economics.  Lorena Tudela Marco “Alternativas al abandono de tierras: Innovación social en la gestión de tierras”. PhD in Agricultural Engineering from the Experiences Centre of Cajamar in Paiporta. Esther Haro Carrasco ”Contribuciones al desarrollo rural desde la Economía Social”. Researcher of the IUDESCOOP in Social Economy and Territorial Development. Regina Campos Ortega “El papel que las mujeres en la estabilidad y desarrollo del mundo rural”. President of Faemur-PV. Stefano Solarino “Las cooperativas de comunidad en Italia y su contribución al desarrollo rural”. Student of the Master's Degree in Social Economics of the Universitat de València and the University of Bologna.

1 p.m. Break.

1:15 p.m. Closure. Pascual Romero Martínez. Representative of the Social Economy in the Economic and Social Committee of the Valencian Community, and José Luis Monzón Campos, Director of IUDESCOOP.


Date 14 may 2019 at 09:00 to 14:00. Tuesday.


Salón de Grados de la Facultat de Dret

Organized by

IUDESCOOP, Facultat de Dret.



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