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Workshop: ‘The Tourist Stay Tax’

The workshop (to be given in Spanish) is scheduled for Thursday June the 2nd 2022, in face-to-face mode.

The specific venue will be the Sánchez Ayuso Hall located on the first floor of the UV Faculty of Economics (Tarongers Campus).

This workshop is part of the series of workshops organised by the Universitat de València, the Department of Applied Economics of the UV Faculty of Economics, the Conselleria d’Hisenda i Model Econòmic GVA (Valencian for Regional Department of Treasury and Economic Model GVA), the Chair of Autonomous Taxation and the Public Economic Evaluation (EVALPUB) research group.


Date 2 june 2022 at 09:00 to 14:00. Thursday.


Sánchez Ayuso Hall (1st floor of the Faculty of Economics)

Organized by

Department of Applied Economics.



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