08:00 - 12:00
2024-2025 vaccination campaing directed towards UV personnel - Seasonal flu and COVID19
The vaccines will be administrated at the Health Offices of each campus with prior appointment. You can arrange an appointment via phone...
09:00 - 20:00
At the beginning of the 20th century, among the towns that followed one another along the Vall de Laguar, in Alicante's Marina Alta, a new...
10:00 - 20:00
La Col·lecció Martínez Guerricabeitia de la Universitat de València, a través del Vicerectorat...
10:00 - 20:00
"No one can know what the night is like". Xisco Mensua
A human being lives his ordinary life with the illumination of a light of which he is not aware until it is extinguished. Once it is extinguished,...
10:00 - 20:00
"Halt! Images that think". Artur Heras
The distinctive feature of the Nazi extermination was the meticulous planning of both the mass murder and its concealment. The perpetrators...
12:00 - 00:00
Illustration Contest with a Gender Perspective (2nd Edition)
On Wednesday, December 18th, at 12:00 PM, we will inaugurate the exhibition (Hall, first floor of the Faculty of Geography and History) and hold...
València, Kantian City On the occasion of Immanuel Kant’s birth tercentenary (1724-2024), all kinds of...
Individual tutoring for learning Catalan and English for teaching and research s
Are you a teacher or a researcher at the University of Valencia? Do you want to improve your command of Catalan or...
Conversation groups enrolment is open
Register now for the Catalan, English...
Oberta la sol·licitud d'ajudes Erasmus de Mobilitat del Personal de la UV
Des del 18 de setembre es troba obert el termini de sol·licitud d'ajudes Erasmus 2024-2025 per al personal de la Universitat de...
Extension. Financial aid in order to do external curricular internships
In order to help to the practical training which is part of the students' curriculum, the Universitat de València has...
00:00 - 09:00
Oberta la inscripció al cicle BOTANICREA del Jardí Botànic UV
El Jardí Botànic de la Universitat de València ha modificat les dates d’alguns dels cursos creatius que vol oferir a...
Enrollment in the course "Plántate en la cocina" (Splant by yourself in the kitchen) is now open.
"Plántate en la cocina" is a new course based in discovering the plant diversity that our land has to offer when it...
Students of degree or master’s degree could evaluate, through on-line surveys, the teaching of their professors, as long as they have...
ACTIVA CULTURA is a competition aimed at students of the Universitat de València, who are studying official or undergraduate degrees,...
A causa de la situació originada per la DANA que ha impedit el desenvolupament de l'activitat docent de manera presencial,...
Virtualisation of cultural heritage. Application of 3D technology
Thanks to very accessible technologies, these resources can be registred and shared globally efficiently and with minimum costs. The...
Christmas Concerts 2024: Solidary Concerts The Universitat de València begins Christmas with a five concerts...
Programa de mentoria Shadowing (5a edició)
El Vicerectorat de Formació Permanent, Transformació Docent i Ocupació de la Universitat de València,...
00:00 - 21:00
Premis al millor TFG i TFM de la Càtedra d'Economia Portuària
La Càtedra Valenciaport d'Economia Portuària convoca la tercera edició dels premis Càtedra ValenciaPort als...