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Cartel del II Congreso Internacional de Comunicación y Biopolítica
2nd Congress on Communication and Biopolitics

The 2nd International Congress on Communication and Biopolitics is organised in the framework of reflection and dissemination of the research project “Interculturalidad, biopolítica y tecnologías de género" from de Department of Language Theory and Communication Sciences. Prominent figures will participate in the activities of the congress. Silvia Federici from Hofstra University, (Long Island, New York), who will give an inaugural conference on Violencia contra las mujeres y acumulación capitalista.

Past and Present

Federici is known for her important works and contributions on topics as the sexual division of domestic labour of women and the prosperity of the capitalism based on the exploitation of the reproductive force. All these issues are carried out within the framework of the objectives of the congress, whose aim is to offer a space for reflection on the contemporary society and to analyse the relationship between power, politics and human life from the theoretical approaches of prominent authors such as Michael Foucault, Toni Negri, Giorgio Agamben or Roberto Esposito. The closing conference by Ana Navarrete on the Dispositivo biopolítico del franquismo. De la "raza hispánica" al destape is within the same reflection approach. Navarrete is an artist and researcher from the University of University of Castilla-La Mancha, who has won several awards for her artwork, such as the Primer Premio en la Bienal de Escultura de Mislata y el Premi Museari Creació Artística 2018. Her academic interests focus on the resistance cultural practices linked to social movements and issues, as well as gender identity and gender violence analysis.  

The scientific programme of the congress is structured around several reflection and debate roundtables with research, teaching and academic staff from Italy, Argentina, Colombia, Ukraine and Brazil along with various Spanish universities. It is especially highlighted, the high participation of students of doctoral programs that work on the reflection of Michel Foucault and the biopolitical concept from several multidisciplinary approaches such as health, law, communication, psychology, sociology, semiotics and anthropology, among others, which demonstrates the important impact of Foucault's reflection on contemporary knowledge. The communications will address issues related to the central concepts of the congress: Communication and Biopolitics and grouped into several thematic axes such as “governmentality, crisis and social control”, “health, regulation and micropolitics”, “activism and resistance”, “semiosis and textualities”, “biopower, body and disciplinary society”, “technology of gender and consumer society”, “Materiality vulnerability and subjectification” ,“Digital culture: new models?”, “Sexuality, diversity, queerness”, “Television discourse imaginary and social unrest” and “representation and otherness”.

It should be noted that the 2nd Congress on Communication and Biopolitics is the continuity of the 1st Congress held in 2016 and aims to become a biennial event for the academic, research and student community of national and international scope, which works in various disciplinary fields on the notion of biopolitics in contemporary, technological and globalized society.

  • 28 november 2018 at 09:00 to 20:00. Wednesday.
  • 29 november 2018 at 09:00 to 20:00. Every day.
  • 30 november 2018 at 10:00 to 19:00. Every day.

Faculty of Filology, Translation and Comunication (Room Cesar Simón and Cultural Space)

Organized by

Department of Language Theory and Communication Sciences of the Faculty of Filology, Translation and Comunication of the Universitat de València.



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