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Cartel Tot canvi comença a l'escola
Documentary: EcoSchools

Every change starts at school is the title of the documentary that makes known the experience of the project of Educative Innovation EcoSchools that takes place in La Marina Alta. A project that promotes the appreciation of the Earth and the desire for the students from the region to have an education that is environmental, ecological and experiential in contact with the senses. Thus, ecological school gardens and healthy school canteens have been introduced in educational centres, with healthy and fresh food, as transforming elements of the agricultural, social, landscape, environmental, economic and food fields among others.

Ultimately, the project seeks to provide the tools to develop an environmental ethic through the collective construction of values. In addition, it seeks to open practical and effective ways to promote environmental education activities in schools, know and defend the culture and agricultural tradition and promote networking and the exchange of experiences, such as the realization of the documentary.

The project EcoSchools gathers public and private entities and it is supported by the City Council and the participation of the teaching staff from the educational centres. In addition, it follows the strategic lines of the Educational Innovation projects and it is within the first Pla Valencià de Producció Ecològica of the Conselleria d'Agricultura, Medi Ambient, Canvi Climàtic i Desenvolupament Rural.


Date 15 november 2018 at 19:00 to 20:30. Thursday.


Joan Plaça Auditorium in the Botanical Garden of the Universitat de València

Organized by

Botanical Garden of the Universitat de València and Agricologia Recupera Association.



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