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In memoriam Luis Montes. Conference. Debate Forum. 13/11/2018. La Nau. 19h
In memoriam Luis Montes

In Memoriam Luis Montes


A proposal for hope?

On the occasion of the proposal of the Organic Law of regulation of euthanasia (PSOE)

Joan Carles Carbonell

Full university professor of Civil Law at the Universitat de València.

Javier Velasco Laiseca

President of the Association Derecho a Morir Dignamente (DMD)

Free admission, limited seats


Date 13 november 2018 at 19:00 to 21:00. Tuesday.


Seminar Room. La Nau (Universitat, 2)

Organized by

Fòrum de Debats. Associació Dret a Morir Dignament.

