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“Mandalas in Carl Gustav Jung’s experience”

Conference ‘Mandalas in Carl Gustav Jung’s experience’, hosted by the psychologist and member of the collective Maria Mora Viñas.

The mandala is generally known as colouring picture with attributed beneficial effects on the emotional state of a person. However, beyond its therapeutic effects, its meaning as a symbolic representation has a much longer history. The psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung has dedicated twelve years to its study. His discoveries on the topic helped establishing the basis of the Analytical Psychology.

One of the aims of this conference is to introduce to the public a more psychological meaning of the mandala, as well as to deepen into the research and the experiences that allowed Jung his discovery. The activity will take place in the Graduate Hall (Salón de Grados) of the Faculty of Psychology, at 18:00.

This conference is part of the monthly activities programmed by Alumni UV, comprised within the “Alumni Comparteix” programme.


Date 15 november 2023 at 18:00 to 19:00. Wednesday.


Graduate Hall Faculty of Psychology (Av. de Blasco Ibáñez, 21)

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