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Closing of the Family Business Course "Key aspects for competitiveness and sustainability".

  • October 4th, 2023
Image de la noticia

Once again this year, the Family Business Chair has brought together entrepreneurs, managers and students in the classrooms of the 15th edition of the Family Business Course "Key aspects for its competitiveness and sustainability". This course, organised by the Chair of Family Business (CEFUV), with the collaboration of its promoters: the Valencian Association of Entrepreneurs (AVE), the School of Entrepreneurs (EDEM), the Valencian Institute for the Study of Family Business (IVEFA), the Institute of Family Business (IEF), the University of Valencia (UV), and is sponsored by CaixaBank and Broseta, allows participants, to learn about the main characteristics of family businesses, predominant in the Valencian economy, but whose characteristics are generally given little attention.

The closing ceremony took place at the Faculty of Economics, where promoters, sponsors, teachers and students gathered to celebrate the end of the course. Alejandro Escribá, Director of the Chair of Family Business, began the event by thanking the promoters and sponsors for their support, commitment and generosity. He then highlighted the continued success of this course, which the Family Business Chair has been offering for 15 years.

This 15th edition had an exceptional group of attendees and teachers. More than 70% of the attendees came from the professional world, and the heterogeneity of the profiles of the participants in the course has made the experience very enriching for both students and teachers.

The participants have been able to acquire new knowledge and tools for the management and solution of problems in Family Businesses, to learn about the aspects that are important for the improvement of competitiveness and sustainability of Family Businesses, and to enrich their professional training with a better knowledge of the reality of Family Businesses, their functioning, organisation and strategy.

The Chair has constantly monitored the assessment of the teachers and the different sessions with the aim of continuing to improve both this course and the rest of the teaching activities carried out. The students rated all the professors very positively. During the closing ceremony, three of the professors were recognised for their levels of excellence:


- Juan Vicente Tamarit, who gave a session on "Career development in Family Businesses".

- María Beltrán, who gave a session on "Emotions and shared culture in Family Businesses".


- Tomás González, who gave a session on "Succession planning Family Business.

Afterwards, two of the students of the course gave an evaluation of the course on behalf of the rest of the attendees:

Paula Gómez (Head of Finance-HHRR-Marketing at Kaldevi, Ingeniería Geriátrica S.L.) gave a motivating presentation of her experience in family businesses, both as a non-family employee and as part of a family business.) Her evaluation of the course was excellent.

María Avenza (Master in Quality Management) highlighted the learning that the course has given her as a professional and also as a member of a business family.

For their part, our promoters and sponsors dedicated a few words to the attendees highlighting the importance of continuing to work and support the Chair in all its activities, as this course will provide them with tools for the management of property, family and business. In addition to understanding and valuing the work of family businesses in society.

In the conclusions of the event, the director of the Chair, Alejandro Escribá, stressed that the Chair of Family Business is committed to its mission: To contribute, from the academic world, to improving the competitiveness and sustainability of family businesses. The Chair's project aims to advance this mission through teaching, and also through the creation of knowledge on family business management, and the transfer of knowledge to the professional world. He highlighted the value provided by each of the promoters, sponsors and stakeholders that accompany the Chair on this path and stressed the spirit of service and contribution of value to society that drives the Chair of Family Business in all its actions.
