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Pau. Colloquium with Guillermo Soler Quílez

Club de Debats en Arts Escèniques. Habitem El Rialto


The Performing Arts Club of the UV, jointly with the Institut Valencià de Cultura, presents “Club de Debates en Artes Escénicas” [Debate Club in Performing Arts], within the programme Habitamos El Rialto, in order to bring students of the UV and the general public closer to the sociocultural and political debates that take place in the Valencian scenarios.

This course, the Club sessions are linked to several productions that will premiere at the Teatro Rialto during this season.

Several members of the teaching staff of the UV and of the artistic production teams will take part in sessions.

Teatro Rialto will host those sessions following the play.

Thursday, December 1st, 2022. About the 'Pau' [+] play

Post-performance colloquium by Jesús Tronch Pérez. Lecturer and researcher in English philology at the Universitat de València, where he teaches English literature and creative translation. His research focuses on the transmission of texts, the critical edition of 16th and 17th century plays, the translation and reception of Shakespeare in Spain, and the use of digital technology in this research.

With the participation of Gemma Miralles. Author/Director of "Pau", accompanied by the performers of the play.

Place: Teatro Rialto (following the play)


Date 1 december 2022 at 19:00 to 21:00. Thursday.


Teatre Rialto (Plaça de l'Ajuntament, 17)

Organized by

Institut Valencià de Cultura

Col: Aula d'Arts Escèniques UV.

