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Prostitution, the most ancient sexual exploitation in the world. Legal Aspects

The Equality Unit, with the collaboration of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability of the Universitat de València and the support of the Instituto de la Mujer (Women’s Institute), has organised the conference Prostitución y Derechos Humanos (Prostitution and Human Rights). The conference will take place on January 29th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences.

The conferences are divided into two discussion panels: Prostitución, la explotación sexual más antigua del mundo. Aspectos jurídicos (Prostitution, the most ancient sexual exploitation in the world. Legal Aspects) and Prostitución, la explotación sexual más antigua del mundo. Aspectos filosóficos y jurídicos (Prostitution, the most ancient sexual exploitation in the world. Philosophical and Legal Aspects).

With this day and the two debates that compound it, the abolition of prostitution will be raised as a key issue in the defence of women's human rights. That is why it has the participation of relevant voices both in legal matters and in sociological and philosophical matters.

Regarding the legal aspects, interventions are planned by the Professor of Criminal Law Luis Jimena Quesada, the delegated prosecutor for gender violence in Valencia Rosa María Guiralt Martínez or Lara Esteve Mallent, Judge of first instance and instruction, with exclusive competence in Gender Violence and Family Law. On the other hand, as for the sociological and philosophical aspects, the participation of the feminist activist and member of Amelia Tiganus; Ana de Miguel Álvarez, Professor of Moral Philosophy and Politics at the Rey Juan Carlos University; Rosa Cobo Bedía, Professor of Gender Sociology at the University of A Coruña; and Concha Hurtado Badenas, Frente Abolicionista del País Valenciano spokesperson, is planned.

The first panel will be hosted and moderated by the journalist Silvia Llorente Escribano. The second panel will be hosted by the Levante-EMV vice-director, Isabel Olmos Sánchez. The two tables are part of the “La Nau de la Igualtat” cycle, which is presented as a space in which to discuss the key elements of debate in feminist thought, with the aim of moving forward to achieve more consensual positions that favour the struggle and social conquests in matters of equality.

Free entry. Limited capacity due to the space available.


Date 29 january 2020 at 17:00 to 21:00. Every day.


Magna Room. Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences.

Organized by

Equality Unit.



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