Family Business' Chair at the University in Valencia (CEF_UV), in collaboration with its promoters, is developing a research aimed at understanding the similarities and differences in the responses that family and non-family businesses have during a period of strong hostility, the environment caused by the economic crisis that started in 2008, and the effect that all this has had on the characteristics, composition and structure of its management bodies.
Focusing now on the Valencian Community, this study aims to give continuity to the report published by AVE in 2015 in which the competitiveness of companies in the Valencian Community was analyzed, especially in relation to that of communities in a better position as Madrid, Catalonia or the Basque Country.
Knowing the responses that companies have given and the way in which their management teams have adapted to difficult situations will help us understand the factors that explain the reaction capacity, survival and competitiveness of companies, and understand behavioral differences between family and non-family businesses.
Join us!
(ask for your questionnaire)
How to participate? And why?
Questionnaire must be answered by:
- A person who knows well the strategies carried out by the company, as well as the characteristics of its governing and management bodies.
Results will contribute to:
- Obtain a better characterization of Family and Non-Family companies in the Valencian Community
- Better understand how Valencian companies adapt their strategies to changing environmental conditions
- Understand how management teams and governing bodies evolve, both depending on the conditions and the strategies pursued
- To what extent does this adaptive capacity contribute to achieving better levels of survival, resilience and competitiveness?
In exchange your company will get:
- Your company will have the option of appointing someone to take curso “Empresa Familiar y Desarrollo Profesional”, course for free, periodically organized by the Family Business Chair, through a “fee waiver” grant (with a value of between € 100 and € 140). You will have 3 courses to enjoy this option.
- You will receive a document presenting the results prepared by the Family Business' Chair at the University of Valencia. The document will be available in the summer of 2017.
- Be included, if you wish, in CEFUV community, by which you will be kept regularly informed of the activities carried out by the Chair.
- The Chair of Family Business at the University of Valencia and the research team that supports it explicitly COMMIT TO MAINTAIN ABSOLUTE CONFIDENTIALITY ABOUT THE INDIVIDUALIZED DATA PROVIDED TO THEM.
- No specific information of any specific company will be made public or transferred to third parties (including our promoters), by any oral or written means, without the express consent of the same.
- The data will be presented only in an aggregated way, through descriptions of a statistical nature.