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Introducing the 'Quaderns Feministes' collection

  • April 30th, 2019
Image de la noticia

On May 2nd we will present the Quaderns Feministes collection at the Fira del Llibre de València (València's Book Fair). The collection will be published by Tirant lo Blanch and three authors from the Universitat de València who have adapted their theses and research projects for this occasion. To all of them, congratulations for being part of this new stage of publications of the Chair of Feminist Economics.

The Quaderns Feministes collection is here.

The three publications that will be presented at this event are:

  • Mujeres y hombres frente al desempleo (Spanish for Women and Men Facing Unemployment). Empar Aguado.
  • Retos para el Estado constitucional del siglo XXI: derechos, ética y políticas del cuidado (Spanish for Challenges for the Constitutional State in the 21st Century: Rights, Ethics and Policies of Care). Ana I. Marrades Puig.
  • Los presupuestos con perspectiva de género en el Estado español (Spanish for The budgets with a gender perspective in the Spanish State). Mònica Gil.

The presentation will be made by M ª Luisa Moltó, representing the Chair of Feminist Economics.