Ana Isabel Marrades Puig
Professor at the Universitat de València, in the Department of Constitutional Law, Political and Administrative Sciences of the Faculty of Law, Universitat de València. Director of the Chair for Feminist Economics from June 2020.
Since 2011 she has combined her teaching and research activity with the professional practice of law, specialising in issues of gender violence. She has also lectured at the Valencian Institute for Public Security. And she is member of the Valencian Council of Women since 2008. Her research activity has been particularly focused on fundamental rights issues and gender studies, being associated with the University Institute of Women's Studies, having published numerous articles related to this matter. Among her publications, it should be highlighted her monography “Luces y sombras del derecho a la maternidad” (Spanish for Lights and Shadows of the Maternity Right), the monographies “Las mujeres parlamentarias en la legislatura constituyente” (Spanish for Parliamentary Women in the Constituent Legislature), in which she co-authored, and “Las parlamentarias en la I legislatura: Cortes Generales (1979-1982)” (Spanish for Parliamentary Women during the Spanish First Legislature: Spanish Parliament [1979-1982]) awarded with the 3rd Clara Campoamor Women and Parliament Prize, as well as her collaboration in “Comentarios a la Ley de Igualdad” (Spanish for Commentaries on the Equality Law). She has translated from English and Italian numerous articles by American and Italian authors published in the Journal Cuadernos Constitucionales. And she has participated in several research projects among which the “Study on the impact of the Equality Law in the electoral processes” must be highlighted. Her recent publications have focused on women's representation and political participation. She has done research stays at the University of Pisa and the University of Virginia. In the university teaching field, it is worth noting that she has participated in educational innovation projects, coordinating the editions of the Academic Parliament in the Valencian Parliament and directing workshops on sources of law; and that she has been teaching in English in the AR group of the degree in Law since the 2010-2011 academic year. She currently teaches the subject Gender, Politics, Citizenship and Society Relations within the Social Sciences area.
Mª Luisa Moltó Carbonell
Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis, Universitat de València and Director of the Chair for Feminist Economics from its beginning in 2017 to 2018, becoming in 2019 an expert of the mixed commission of this chair.
Researcher at the University Institute of Women's Studies UV (IUED).
She was Director of the IUED from 2002 to 2010. Previously, she was part of the founding group of the Interdisciplinary Seminar of Feminist Research, acting as coordinator in 1987.
Director of the university master's degree "Gender and equality policies" of the Universitat de València (IUED), Courses 2006-2007 until 2013-2014.
She has been representing Spain in the "Gender and Use" network of the Equal Opportunities Unit, DG V, European Commission from 1991 to 2006.
An important part of her research has focused on the situation of women in the labour market (wage discrimination, occupational segregation, different forms of occupation and working time, etc.). Another part is related to socio-economic issues, ranging from the elaboration of social indicators on the situation of women to unemployment and household consumption patterns, having also participated in the elaboration of the matrix of Social Accounting and the Satellite Accounts of Education in Spain. An important part of the research has focused on the quantification and integration of domestic work in the national accounts through a satellite account of domestic production as well as on the extension of the limits of production in national accounting through the elaboration of the extended social accounting matrix. Her research currently revolves around the household care gap and the impact of gender identities.
Carmen Castro García
Doctor Cum Laude in Economics, she holds the Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis; specialised in welfare models, European gender policies and birth leave systems; she researches the contribution of public policies to the advancement of gender justice. Project Evaluator for the Spanish State Research Agency.
She is a senior researcher at the University Institute of Women's Studies of the Universitat de València, for the Chair in Feminist Economics, from where she has coordinated the organisation and scientific committee of the 6th Edition of the State Congress on Feminist Economics; she has also been part of previous editions of the congress. Adjunct lecturer of economics at the Universitat de València and Professor of Master’s Degree at the Universidad Pablo de Olavida (Seville), Basque Country, Coruña and Granada, where she teaches subjects on the impact of gender, policies for equality and feminist economics.
Member of the Commission for the Defence of Competition of the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government).
Consultant and advisor on public policies for 17 years, through her own brand, SinGENEROdeDUDAS; she has trained management teams and technical staff to promote gender mainstreaming processes and budgets with a gender perspective, as in the municipalities of Sagunt, Castelló and València.
Feminist activist for more than 30 years. Actively involved in platforms for changing the model of society. She has collaborated in the drafting of bills for the reform of the pension system, equal pay and equalisation of birth leave.
She has published articles in scientific journals, among them Feminist Economics, and has coordinated the monographic Economía Feminista (Feminist Economy) of the Atlánticas Journal, of the University of A Coruña. Her latest books include Políticas de igualdad. Permisos por nacimiento y transformación de los roles de género (Spanish for Equality Policies. Birth leaves and gender roles transformation)and Claves Feministas para las transiciones económicas (Spanish for Feminist Keys for Economic Transactions) within the Quaderns Feministes Collection of Tirant Humanidades.
She has received several awards for her professional and activist career, such as The Women Courts, awarded by the Valencian Parliament, in March 2019, and the Nexe Foundation in 2018. In 2014, the European Institute for Gender Equality recognised her as an inspiring woman for equality in Europe.
Lucía Gómez Sánchez
Graduated in Psychology by the Universitat de València. Extraordinary degree award. Doctor in Social Psychology. Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis. Professor and Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Gender and Equality Policies, as well as in the Doctoral Programme on Gender-based Studies and Equality Policies of the Universitat de València. Member of the Gender, Knowledge, History and Subjectivity (GEOCOHIS) research group of the University Institute of Women's Studies.
Since her Doctoral Thesis "Processes of subjectivation and the feminist movement: a political approach in the psychosocial analysis of contemporary identity" (2002) her research interests have had a double thread. On the one hand, her interest in exploring the subjective transformations generated by neoliberal political rationalities in relation to hetero-patriarchal logics. An exploration aimed at making visible the conditions that make possible experiences of subjection and resistance in diverse fields and specific problems (feminist movements, educational spaces, university...) and which has resulted in the publication of scientific research articles, among which the following stand out Sujetos Flexibles: Racionalidades neoliberales y políticas educativas (Spanish for Flexible Subjects: Neoliberal Rationalities and Educational Policies, Education Policy Analysis Archives); Women and globalization: theoretical and political challenges of feminism criticism (WAGADU. A Journal of Transnational Women's and Gender Studies); Psicologia, identidad y politica en las tecnologias de gobierno neoliberales (Spanish for Psychology, identity and politics in the neoliberal technologies of government, Psicología & Sociedade); Experience, subjectivity and politics in the Italian feminist movement: redefining boundaries between body and discourse (European Journal of Womens Studies); Feminism and identity in political psychology (Feminism & Psychology); Educación postdisciplinaria, formación de nuevas subjectividades y gobierno neoliberal: herramientas conceptuales para un análisis del presente (Spanish for Post-disciplinary education, formation of new subjectivities and neoliberal governance: conceptual tools for an analysis of the present, Mexican Journal of Educational Research). Gubernamentalidad neoliberal y producción de conocimiento en la universidad: genealogía de una configuración subjetiva (Spanish for Neoliberal governmentality and knowledge production in the university: genealogy of a subjective configuration, Universitas Psychologica).
And on the other hand, the concern to materialize the connection between knowledge production and political practice allowed by feminist epistemologies, incorporating this perspective to the research training of the Master in Gender and Equality Policies where she coordinates the course: "Research techniques: epistemological and methodological options from a feminist perspective
On the one hand, the interest in exploring the subjective transformations generated by neoliberal political rationalities in relation to hetero-patriarchal logics. An exploration aimed at making visible the conditions that make possible experiences of subjection and resistance in diverse fields and specific problems (feminist movements, educational spaces, university...) and which has translated into both the publication of scientific research articles and participation in R+D projects and different dissemination and transfer activities. And on the other hand, the concern to materialise the connection between knowledge production and political practice that feminist epistemologies allow, incorporating this perspective into the research training of the Master’s Degree in Gender and Equality Policies.
Currently, she is interested in the development and the problems that arise from the theoretical proposals arising from Feminist Economics. Those appeal to the need for a subjective and cultural transformation that breaks the complicity with the hegemonic socioeconomic models. Coordinator of the Fem Ecnomia Feminista a La Nau Cycle along with María Luisa Moltó.
Mónica Gil Junquero
Graduated in Sociology by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Doctor in Gender Studies by the Universitat de València, awarded with the Olga Quiñones Pirze by her Doctoral Thesis “Budgets from a gender perspective in the Spanish Government”. She also has two masters degrees in equality.
Her involvement with gender budgeting began in 2004 when she started working at the former United Nations Development Fund for Women-UNIFEM Andean Region (now UN Women). Since then, her link to this exciting and strategic theme for the promotion of equality and the promotion of a fairer reality has been perpetuated in both the professional and academic spheres.
In the labour field she has been linked, since 1999 and until now, as a technician and responsible for equality in different institutions, organisms, associations and NGDOs in Spain and Latin America. In the academic field and since 2011, she is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology of the Universitat de València. Since 2010, she is a professor of the Master’s Degree in Gender and Equality Policies of the UV. In addition, she teaches on budget and gender issues in postgraduate courses in different public and private universities in Spain, and in the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences of Argentina and Mexico.
Likewise, and since 2016, she has provided training in the area of budgets and gender in different public administrations and has also participated in advisory processes in this area to different administrations. Finally, among her latest publications shall be highlighted Los Presupuestos con enfoque de género en el Estado español (Spanish for Budgets with a gender perspective in Spain) of the Cuadernos Feministas Collection of Tirant Humanidades.
Gabriela Moriana Mateo
Doctor in Gender Studies, graduated in Sociology and licensed in Social Work. Director and Researcher at the University Institute of Women's Studies. Professor and Co-Director of the Master’s Degree in Gender and Equality Policies. Full Time Lecturer in the Department of Social Work and Social Services of the Universitat de València.
Professional experience in Specific Social Services Centres for women who suffer violence and social exclusion processes. Trainer in Gender and Equality Policies and in violence against women and gender to Social Services professionals from different fields.
Her main areas of research are violence against women and gender, social exclusion from a gender perspective and social services and resources for women, of which she has published several articles in books and scientific journals:
Involved nowadays in “Research Challenges” of the Spanish State R+D+I Programme aimed at society’s challenges:
Forced marriages in migrant communities, with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Duration: 4 years.
Support networks for women in situations of violence, with the University of Girona. Duration: 3 years.
Elena Mut Montalva
Doctor by the Universitat de València. Graduated in Sociology and licensed in Social Work. Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (DEA, tertiary education Degree), Doctorate in Gender, Subjectivity, Knowledge and Culture. Universitat de València. Master’s Degree in Immigration, Specialisation in Research and Social Intervention. Comillas Pontifical University.
Professor in the Department of Social Work and Social Services of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Universitat de València, for the Master’s Degree in Gender and Equality Policies, the Master’s Degree in Cooperation for Development and the Master's Degree in Personalised and Community Nutrition. Researcher at the Uni Revista Internacional de Estudios del Desarrollo; Revista de Servicios Sociales y Política Soial: Nº 63; nº 85; Revista Cuadernos de Trabajo Social; Revista TS Nova; and PUBLICACIONES DE Libros in Publicacions de la Universitat de València (Publishing House of the UV), ECU publishing house; Institute of Social Research (IIS) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM); Plataforma 2015 y más. Member of the Red Española de Estudios del Desarrollo (REEDES, Spanish for Spanish Network of Development Studies), of the Research Group in Socioeconomic Inequalities and Public Policies with a Gender Perspective (GENDESPOL); collaborator of the Research Group in Gender, Knowledge, History and Subjectivity (GECOHIS); Migrations, Diversity and Social Cohesion (MIDICO); and the Research Group on Human Rights, Migration and Living Together (MULTIHURI), all framed within the Universitat de València.
She has made numerous papers in various conferences such as: Spanish Network of Development Studies at the University of Zaragoza, Spanish Federation of Sociology, Social Work, International Migration, as well as international research stays: Pontifical Xavierian University of Bogotá. She has twenty years of professional experience in the field of international cooperation for development, eight of which have been spent in Latin America, working in both official Spanish cooperation, NGDOs and multilateral cooperation. In Spain, she has been a consultant and programme coordinator for various government agencies, NGOs and foundations: Centre for the Reception of Refugees in Mislata of the Spanish Ministry of Social Affairs; the Centre of Studies for the Social Integration and Training of Immigrants-Ceimigra; Programme of International Cooperation, as well as the programme of Housing for Immigrants of CRUZ ROJA; with the NGO ATELIER it has developed programmes of cooperation and development, highlighting those of gender and defence of human rights in Colombia. And for six years she has been a technical specialist and project evaluator in the Directorate General for Development Cooperation and External Relations of the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government) in the field of international development cooperation and humanitarian action (Guatemala, Ecuador, Colombia).
Involved nowadays in “Research Challenges” of the Spanish State R+D+I Programme aimed at society’s challenges:
Forced marriages in migrant communities, with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Duration: 4 years.
Support networks for women in situations of violence, with the University of Girona. Duration: 3 years.