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New publications in the Quaderns Feministes collection

The Quaderns Feministes Collection of the Chair for Feminist Economics and the Institute of Women's Studies of the Universitat de València, published by the Tirant lo Blanch publishing house, has two new publications.

The 1st Sustainable Economy Summer School is here!

The Sustainable Economy will be the protagonist of a double activity: a conference on July 18th that will take place at the Botanical Garden of the Universitat de València; and a 4-day course at the Summer University of Gandia, which will be held from July 19th to 22nd.


Final Statement of the 6th Congress on Feminist Economics

We, women and feminists gathered at the 6th State Congress of Feminist Economics, in Valencia, denounce that we are living in a moment of counter-reaction and violent re-articulation of colonialist patriarchal capitalism at a global level.

Summer School

Quién es quién: Economía Feminista para otro modelo de sociedad (I)

Seguimos con la Escola d’Estiu Fem Economia Feminista, con la parte más intensiva, que se desarrollará durante las jornadas del 10 y 11 de julio: Economía feminista para otro modelo de sociedad. El contenido de esta nueva cita formativa, de encuentro, reflexión y debate se desarrollará en torno a...



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