- Congress online: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/cbdce3f1282941cfb9cd65f1e123add4
Care is essential to sustain life. Everybody needs care so that life is dignified, particularly in situations of special vulnerability. Women are the ones who have provided care, but the performance of this essential work is precisely what has prevented the exercise of their other rights and what has undermined equality. It is necessary, especially taking into account the circumstances that we have lived and are living since 2020, to recover the value of care and guarantee it as a right for all.
The I Conference on care held in 2018 aimed to build the foundations for its recognition and to look for the reasons or needs that justify it. In 2020, the II Conference on Care focused, for obvious reasons, on care in the socioeconomic crisis resulting from the covid-19 pandemic. Once the legal foundations and basis have been established, the III Conference on Care aims at outlining the elements to recognize the existence of constitutional right to care, or rather, the rights of care since they should include both the right to care, understood as the right to be cared for (or to receive care), and the right to provide care.
Thus, the purpose of the III International Conference on Care, Equality and Diversity, to be held on 25-26 May 2022 in Valencia, is to configure the rights of care. The presentations from the Constitutional Law professors who will intervene will be organized in two different panels: one on the right to receive care and another on the right to care, which will take place during the first day, on the 25th. During the second day, on the 26th, an international symposium will be held that will address different care systems in other countries. Then, and after evaluating the proposals and possible solutions to the problems that the recognition of the right to care poses, a space for reflection and discussion will be opened where four Constitutional Law scholars representing differing views within Spanish constitutionalism will make an assessment on the suitability of such recognition.
The presentation and rapporteurship of the communications presented will take place on the last afternoon session of May 26th. It is meant to be a space for dialogue where the various contributions will be discussed in relation to the two panels. The Conference will conclude with an experimental presentation on the uses of time, a much-needed element when dealing with care and ultimately, essential for the enjoyment and respect of one's own life and the lives of others.