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25 and 26 MAY 2022


Director: Ana Marrades Puig.  

Organising Committee: Vicenta Tasa, Beatriz Bosch y Mónica Gil.

Access to the sessions.


I Day

10.00 Opening

  • Rosa Donat Beneito. Vice-Rector for Transfer and Innovation

  • Jose Vicente Soler Gironés. Director General of Sustainable Economy

  • Javier Palao Gil. Dean of the Faculty of Law

  • Ana Marrades Puig. Director of the Chair of Feminist Economics

Morning session:

10.30 Inaugural conference: Victoria Camps, Philosopher and Permanent Adviser to the Council of State: The ethical foundations of the right to care.

11.15-11.30 break

11.30-14.00 Table I: The right to care

  • Care rights: concept, proposed articles, guarantees and obligated subjects. Ana Marrades, UV
  • Multifaceted dimension of the right to care and its autonomous need. Luis Jimena, UV
  • The subjects of the right to care: ownership and exercise. Leyre Burguera, UNED
  • The right to care for the elderly: the content of the right. Fernando Flores, UV
  • The obligation that generates the right to care: family, relational and state.  Mónica Martínez, UV
  • Moderator: Vicenta Tasa, UV

14.00-16.00 Lunch break

Afteroon session:

16.00- 18.30 Table II: The right to take care

  • The right to take care: ownership and exercise. Beatriz Bosch, UV
  • The right to care for women with different types of functional diversity. Clara Souto, URJ
  • The rights of carers. Vicenta Tasa, UV
  • The right to co-responsible conciliation in the field of the right to care. Nuria Reche, UMH
  • The reconciliation of care in single-parent families. Lupe Bohorques, EU
  • Moderator: Ana Marrades, UV


II Day

10.00- 12.30 Morning session: An international outlook

Symposium: Care systems: public systems, professionalisation of care, and non-professionalised, informal and alternative care

  • The current regulatory framework for care in Spain. Maria Dalli, UV
  • The regulatory framework in Italy. Chiara Magneschi, U. Pisa
  • The care system in Sweden. Juana Aznar, Irene Belmonte
  • The incorporation of the right to care in the constituent process in Chile. Marta Szygendowska, U. Antofagasta, Chile
  • Care systems in Mexico, Colombia and Uruguay. Diana Ávila: Colombia
  • Other forms of care: examples from Spain and Germany. Lucía Aparicio, UV
  • Moderator: María Dalli, UV

12.30-13.00 break

13.00- 14.00 The right to care: an assessment from a feminist constitutional perspective

  • Yolanda Gómez, Director of the Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales
  • Laura Nuño, President of the Feminist Network of Constitutional Law
  • Sefa Ridaura, President of the Asociación de Constitucionalistas de España (Spanish Association of Constitutionalists)
  • Margarita Soler, President of the Consell Jurídic Consultiu de la Comunitat Valenciana (Valencian Regional Legal Advisory Council)
  • Moderator: Julia Sevilla, Honorary President of the RFDC.

14.00-16.00 Lunch break

Afternoon session:

16.00-18.00: Rapporteurship Communications and conclusions. Mónica Gil (coordinator), CEF UV and Beatriz Durán, UV.

18.00 Closing Conference: An experiment: the uses of time. Juana Aznar, UMH. Presented by: María Luisa Moltó, CEF, UV

18.30 Closing: María Such, General Director IVD, Gabriela Moriana, Director IUED, and Ana Marrades, Director of the Congress.