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Summer School team

The Nau Menuda work team is made up of a group of trained instructors, entertainers and coordinators with experience working with children and in entertainment and leisure activities.

The goal is to develop a team of professionals with autonomy, coordination, teamwork and the desire to help others. Empathy, flexibility, communication and respect for the work and opinions of the other members are paramount to form part of this group.

  Join our team!

If you'd like to join our team, apply for one of the following positions:

Entertainer for Nau Menuda and Nau Jove
Entertainer for participants with special needs
Coordinator for Nau Menuda and Nau Jove


You must be registeredin UVjob:


  • If you are not registered in UVjob and you are a former student of the Universitat de València, you must log in with your UV username and password. If you can't remember your password, contact UVjob by email at uvempleo.usuarios@uv.es.
  • If you are not registered in UVjob and you are a former student of a different university, contact UVjob by email at uvempleo.usuarios@uv.es.
  • If you are not a former student of any university, contact UVjob to learn more about the process at uvempleo.usuarios@uv.es.


Please do not send your CV to the Summer School.