The Chair of Linguistic Rights organises the workshop Is a multilingual, federal Spain possible? Federalism and linguistic rights 07/06/23 In the meeting, coordinated by the Manuel Giménez Abad Foundation, will be held on Tuesday 13 June with the goal of analysing the Spanish territorial model, Spanish linguistic diversity and the...[Read more]
The Chair for Linguistic Rights of the UV holds a talk at the Book Fair on languages in the U.S. 04/05/23 On 2 May, Vicenta Tasa, co-director of the Chair, moderated the talk “Languages in the U.S.: between persecution and resistance” at the València Book Fair.[Read more]
The Chair of Linguistic Rights participates in the 2023 Valencia Book Fair 25/04/23 On Tuesday 2 May, the Chair will be in Museum Hall 2, where Vicenta Tasa will moderate the debate “Languages in the US: somewhere between persecution and resistance.”[Read more]
Workshop on the figure and the mindset of Lluís V. Aracil (online) 13/10/21 The workshop "Aracil: dir i transformar la realitat social" [express and transform the social reality] will be carried out via videoconference on Tuesday October 17th, 2021 from 12 am to 2 pm.[Read more]
Conference "Drets i polítiques lingüístiques: una mirada arreu del món” [Language rights and policies: a look around the world] 05/10/21 The International Conference "Drets i polítiques lingüístiques: una mirada arreu del món" will take place on Wednesday October 13th 2021 in the Joaquín Tomás Villarroya Room (Classroom 1P20) of the...[Read more]
Sociolinguistic prospection in the field of Catalan 26/10/20 On Tuesday 27 October 2020, the Chair for Linguistic Rights held, with the collaboration of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the University of Valencia, the seminar...[Read more]
Vicenta Tasa participa en la taula redona per commemorar el Dia dels Drets Lingüístics 05/12/19 Vicenta Tasa, professora de Dret Constitucional i directora de la Càtedra de Drets Lingüístics de la Universitat de València, ha estat una de les participants en la taula redona 'Cap a una llei...[Read more]
WE CELEBRATE THE DAY OF LINGUISTIC RIGHTS 04/12/19 On Wednesday 4th December, we celebrated Linguistic Rights Day in the Valencian Country by collaborating in the round table "Towards a law of linguistic equality".[Read more]
THE CHAIR COLLABORATES IN THE CONFERENCE ON LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY 04/12/19 The Chair celebrated the Linguistic Rights Day by collaborating in the conference on Linguistic Diversity organised by the Xarxa Vives of Universities.[Read more]