The Chair of Linguistic Rights presents the publication on the compliance with the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages 27/03/23 The publication was written by full-time university professor Vigo Fernando the Gallego dialect of the Galicia region. It delves into the processes of linguistic minoritisation and the interactions...[Read more]
We present the 1st publication of the “Cajón de herramientas” collection on legal and administrative terminology in Spanish, Catalan and Aragonese 21/03/23 This work by José Ignacio López Susín offers an extensive repertoire of more than 4,400 trilingual entries (Spanish-Catalan-Aragonese), with the aim of achieving the standardisation and normalisation...[Read more]
New publications from the Linguistic Rights Collection 05/10/21 We provide society with the latest additions to the Collection, which you can access from the website itself and read and download in PDF or on the issu platform.[Read more]
The Chair celebrates Linguistic Rights Day. Round table. 04/12/20 Today is the Day of Linguistic Rights in the Valencian Country. Therefore, yesterday a round table was held on "Linguistic rights: consumption and cultural activism".[Read more]
Vicenta Tasa receives the II Jesús Tuson Prize on linguistic diversity 20/11/20 The Director of the Chair for Linguistic Rights Vicenta Tasa was awarded the II Jesús Tuson Prize on linguistic diversity for her work Llengua i Estat.[Read more]
La Nau acull la presentació d'un llibre sobre la igualtat lingüística a les administracions públiques 30/01/20 El 29 de gener el Centre Cultural La Nau de la Universitat de València va acollir la presentació del llibre 'La igualtat de les llengües en l’Administració: un problema sense resoldre', escrit per...[Read more]
PRESENTATION OF THE CHAIR FOR LINGUISTIC RIGHTS 28/09/19 Last Thursday, 26th September, the Presentation of the Chair for Linguistic Rights was held at the Prinicpal Peset Hall of Residence.[Read more]
THE CHAIR MEETS WITH THE EUROPEAN LANGUAGE EQUALITY NETWORK 25/09/19 On Wednesday 25 September, the Chair for Linguistic Rights organised a meeting with the European Language Equality Network (ELEN) to discuss the internationalisation of the Chair.[Read more]