The Vice-Principal for Studies and Language Policy at the University of Valencia, Isabel Vézquez, has decided to award the Carme Miquel 2020 prize for the study of linguistic rights and their guarantee and real materialisation in undergraduate degree final projects to Giovanni Pelegi i Torres and Senén Magraner Martí ex aequo.
Giovanni Pelegi's project, presented in the Degree in Political Science and Administration of the University of Valencia, is entitled Lengua, política e identidades: La derecha en el uso de la lengua y de la identidad en la lucha por la hegemonía social y política de Navarra y del País Valenciano (Language, politics and identities: The right wing's use of language and identity in the struggle for social and political hegemony in Navarre and the Valencian Country).
Senén Magraner's project, which is part of the Catalan Philology degree at the University of Valencia, is entitled La transmisión intergeneracional del valenciano en parejas lingüísticamente mixtas del área metropolitana de Valencia (Intergenerational transmission of Valencian in linguistically mixed couples in the metropolitan area of Valencia).