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The director of the Chair for Privacy and Digital Transformation of the Universitat de València will coordinate a Group of Work in CRUE-TIC

  • May 5th, 2017
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Attendees to the 2017 CRue-TIC Sessions

In the 2017 CRUE-TIC Sessions (04/05/2017 and 05/05/2017) which took place at the University of Santiago they have tackle challenges that should tackle the Spanish university to fulfil the Data Protection regulation.

Andrés Calvo, deputy of the Spanish Data Protection Agency exposed the main innovations in terms of regulations. Vicent Andreu, from the Universitat Jaume I, exposed the defining elements of the figure of the Delegate of Data Protection as well as its statute and functions.  Finally, Ricard Martínez, director of the Chair for Privacy and Digital Transformation of the Universitat de València, tackled the practical changes and the strategic decisions for universities when it comes to implement de Regulation.

The university representatives highlighted the volume, complexity and the richness of the treatments of the university world. They manage the data of millions of students but also provide social services and integration policies of people with functional diversity or from a different culture. Moreover, universities are the cornerstone of the R&D in Spain. Universities developed supercomputing and distributed computing before they generalised, sequencing the genome or investigate in artificial intelligence. The interactions with the private sector in fields such as the biotechnology, the clinical trials or the robotics are crucial for the digital transformation in Spain.

In this context, the Spanish University affirms its singularity and has decided to create a Working Group to develop an analysis of the state of implementation of the Regulation in order to design a Code of Conduct supported in its own methodology. The Working Group will be coordinated by Ricard Martínez, the Data Protection technician of the Computer Service of the Universitat de València and Director of the Chair for Privacy and Digital Transformation of the Universitat de València and it integrates representatives of different universities.