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The Chair for Privacy and Digital Transformation of the Universitat de València participates in the Forum of the Circle of Andalusia and Extremadura of CIONET.

  • May 10th, 2017
Càtedra Microsoft

On 10 May 2017 takes place in Andalusia a meeting of CIONET where will be studied, among other things, the impact of the General Regulation of data protection.  CIONET is the largest community of directors of TI in Europe. With more than 5,000 CIOs, CTOs and Directors of TI in Europe, CIONET has the experience and a pioneering vision to tackle any challenge in the Management of ICT.

The Regulation presents, undoubtedly, a new scenery of the “proactive responsibility” or “accountability”. The rigorous application of the principles of Data protection from the design and it involves a multidisciplinary interaction among the areas of business, governance and management of technologies—as well as the implementation of process and application development and information security— and the legal team.

Ricard Josep Martínez Martínez, Director of the Chair for Privacy and Digital Transformation of the Universitat de València, considers it necessary to spotlight the essential role of the ICT area and of his management in this kind of processes. Somehow, they constitute both the nervous and circulatory systems of our organisations. Precisely for this fundamental role, it is indispensable to work side by side to achieve a productive interaction.

In the Privacy processes by Design, in the impact in protection of data analysis and in general in new methodologies that consolidate the General Regulation of data protection is crucial that the legal segment of the organisations is capable of interact in a productive dialogue with technology. “It is not about applying rules of the yes/no type, but about offering solutions of the “how” type and facilitating that the rule is translated into the “code” in an appropriate way.