AURORA PEDRO BUENO – Director of the New Green Transition Chair of the Universitat de València
PhD in Economics from the Universitat de València. Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the Universitat de València. She was visiting professor in Great Britain (University of Westmister) and in Canada (University of Calgary). Consultant of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) since the mid-1990s. She has participated in several of the educational projects developed by the UNWTO during these years (UNWTO Academy, formerly UNWTO.Themis Foundation). Member of the Tourism Education Quality – TedQual Programme team, and of the Tourism Advisory Board of the UNWTO.Themis Foundation. Member of the team that initiated the quality certification of the Destination Management Organization (Quest Programme). Director of the Tourism and International Cooperation for Development Course at the UNWTO (with the Universidad de Valencia, the UOC, the Universidad de Andorra) of the five editions in Spanish. Academic Director of the UNWTO Volunteer Programme in Tabasco (Mexico) and of the UN Alliance of Civilizations Volunteer Programme in Kars (Turkey). She has taught courses on Strategy and Management of Tourism Policy in Argentina, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, etc. Director of the UNWTO Silk Road Capacity Building Programme in 2017.
She was elected Vice President of the UNWTO Affiliate Members Committee from 2013 to 2015, representing the Universitat de València. She has collaborated with various cooperation projects of the Universidad de Valencia in Peru (Comunidad Quechua-Lamista de Chirikyaku, Tarapoto, Universidad Nacional de San Martín), Colombia (Universidad de Manizales, PhD programme; diverse conferences at the Universidad del Quindío), Argentina (Universidad Argentina de la Empresa; FEHGRA Federación Empresaria Hotelera Gastronómica de la República Argentina, Universidad Nacional de Misiones), Mexico (Universidad Nacional de Chiapas, where she was awarded an Honorary Chair), Ecuador (Universidad Pontifica de Quito), etc. She is the author of several publications on Tourism Policy, Education and Training in Tourism, International Cooperation and Tourism, Competitiveness and Innovation in Tourism.
ELENA MUT MONTALVÀ – Member of the Joint Committee
PhD in Gender, Subjectivity, Knowledge and Culture from the Universitat de València (UV). Degree in Sociology and Diploma in Social Work, from the UV. University Master in Immigration. Specialisation in Research and Social Intervention at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.
Professor in the Department of Social Work and Social Services at the UV. In addition, she teaches in the Master in Gender and Equality Policies, the Master in International Cooperation for Development, and the Master in Personalised and Community Nutrition at the UV. Member of the Feminist Economics Chair. Researcher at the Institut Universitari d’Estudis de la Dona (IUED) and member of the Red Española de Estudios del Desarrollo (REEDES), of the research team Socioeconomic Inequalities and Public Policies with a Gender Perspective (GENDESPOL) and collaborator in the research teams: Gender, Knowledge, History and Subjectivity (GECOHIS), Migrations, Diversity and Social Cohesion (MIDICO) and Human Rights, Migrations and Coexistence (MULTIHURI) of the UV.
Her professional experience has been developed in the sector of international cooperation for development, international migration and refuge. In addition, she has cooperated and coordinated many social programmes on human development and human rights promotion. Her publications are linked to international cooperation for development and women's human rights.
ANTONIO SÁNCHEZ ANDRÉS – Member of the Joint Committee
Graduate and Doctor in Economic Sciences. Professor in the Department of Applied Economics (Economic Policy) at the Universitat de València (UV) since 1987, with the rank of titular professor since 1995, and with a doctorate since 1991.
He is a specialist in the Russian reality and his studies focus on economic policy, energy, defence industry and trading relations. Most of his work deals with economic policy, especially in Russia, with a special focus on economic policy. He has published books or chapters and articles indexed in several databases. In addition, he has presented papers at national and international conferences. He has done numerous research stays abroad, especially in Russia. He is editor of the journals Noticias de Política Económica and International Review of Economic Policy. He is coordinator of collaboration agreements at the Universitat de València. Member of the scientific committee of the Jornadas Internacionales de Política Económica, and has been member of the executive board of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES).
He is particularly interested in tourism policy, on which he has taught repeatedly and carried out various works. His current research interests include the relationship between tourism and environmental policy.
JOSÉ MIGUEL SORIANO DEL CASTILLO – Member of the Joint Committee
Professor of the Area of Nutrition and Food Science in the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health. Doctor with extraordinary prize from the Universitat de València (2003).
He has carried out teaching and research stays at the Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments (France), Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italy), National Research Center (Egypt), Akershus University College (Norway), Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina), Instituto Nacional Materno-Perinatal (Peru) and the Universidad de El Salvador. He is the editor of five books and has published 50 book chapters, as well as a hundred articles in national and international magazines. He has received several awards; including the Research Prize from the Instituto de Estudios del Huevo (2004), the Prize from the "Professor Vicente Callao" Charity Association of the Academia Iberoamericana de Farmacia (2004), the XI Valencia se Solidariza-Modalidad Prize, a social research grant from the Valencia City Council (2008), Teaching Excellence Award from the Conselleria de Educación-Consell Social of the Universitat de València (2009) and the Cascajares Award for young researchers from the Microbiología de Alimentos de la Sociedad Española de Microbiología Group (2010).
Director of the Observatory of Nutrition and Food Security for the Developing World- Universitat de València. He has worked on nutrition with children in the refugee camps of Sahara and Chernobyl, and on food security in ready-to-eat food in Egypt. He has been responsible for the creation and implementation of the first breast milk bank in Lima (Peru).