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Analysis of microbial cellular fatty acid composition (MIDI)

Determination of the cellular fatty acid composition of microbial strains using gas chromatography.

Bioreactor Infors HT/AG CH-4103 MINIFORS

Mycotoxin production from fungi typified in selected foods. Online simulation of intestinal digestion.

Capillary pumps of liquid chromatography, conventional chromatography and nanochromatography. Detectors: fluorescence, diode array, electrochemical, chemiluminescence and masses
Cell Culture laboratory

Cell Culture laboratory of Biological Containment Level 2 (BCL2). It has several rooms: Cell Lines Room, Primary Cultures Room, Hypoxia Room and Viral Vectors Room (BCL2+), with 10 biosafety cabinets, 6 incubators and all the necessary equipment to work with eukaryotic cell cultures.

Prepared and controlled by technicians so the user just focuses on his experiment.

Cell Separator Flow Cytometer ARIA FUSION

Cell Separator equipped with 6 lasers, biosafety cabinet and aerosol extraction. It allows, firstly, the rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of a large number of individual cells suspended in liquid medium. For this, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies, or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

In addition, after analysis, it is possible to separate and collect subpopulations of interest from the sample for further studies.

Climate-controlled growth chambers

These are chambers with adjustable temperature and photoperiod. They are used for the growth of plants in controlled conditions. There are three of these chambers and two chambers that also have humidity control.

Colección de oligonucleótidos para genes de S. cerevisiae

PCR oligos pairs amplifying genes or parts of genes of S. cerevisiae.

Cryopreservation room

Cryopreservation room belonging to the Cell Culture laboratory for the storage and management of frozen samples from users and the section's cell bank.

Custody of biological material

Storage service for biological material under controlled conditions.

Cytometry laboratory

Fully equipped laboratory for sample preparation, acquisition, separation and analysis by flow cytometry.

DNA and RNA molecular analysis and bioinformatics

Genetic analysis with high-performance servers, server-attached computers, bioinformatics software, development of working algorithms.

Flow Cytometer Analyser FORTESSA

A 5-laser analysing cytometer for rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of large numbers of single cells suspended in a liquid medium. For this purpose, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

Flow Cytometer Analyser VERSE

A three-laser analysing cytometer for rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of large numbers of single cells suspended in liquid medium. For this purpose, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

Flow cytometry

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of microbial populations by flow cytometry.

GC Agilent 7890A - Agilent 7000A triple quadrupole MS

Gas chromatography analysis – triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS QqQ) of micro-pollutants in food.

Geographic information systems (GIS)

Servers and software for spatially explicit cataloguing and integration of environmental information.

Greenhouse cabin with Biological Containment Level 1 (NCB1)

Venlo greenhouse cabin with biological containment level 1 (NCB1), with control of temperature, relative humidity, CO₂, lighting and irrigation through the Ridder Multima system for regulation, and climate and irrigation control.

Greenhouse cabin with Biological Containment Level 2 (NCB2)

Venlo greenhouse cabin with biological containment level 1 (NCB1), with control of temperature, relative humidity, CO₂, lighting and irrigation through the Ridder Multima system for regulation, and climate and irrigation control.


Water and sediment analysis laboratory.

Hypoxia/hiperoxia room

Room located inside the Cell Culture laboratory (BCL2) composed of a closed Hypoxia Station and necessary equipment for the maintenance of the cultures. The closed station allows a precise control of the percentage of hypoxia and/or hyperoxia, even at extreme values, keeping the culture conditions constant at all times, both during its handling and within the incubators. All of this ensures reproducible data.

LC-MS and GC-MS (UHPLC/GC-MS-Q-TOF) Bruker IMPACT II Chromatography Equipment

Equipment that quantitatively determines the concentrations of one, several or many substances in a biological (serum, plasma, tissue or urine), food or environmental sample. This is achieved by chromatographic separation of the compounds present in the matrix to be studied, either by liquid chromatography or gas chromatography and their subsequent nebulisation with fragmentation to detect the components according to their molecular weight.

Large culture chamber

Chamber that allows experimentation with large aquariums and plant cultures.

Liquid chromatography LC1200-Agilent Quadrupole-Time of Fligh Mass Spectrometry G6540A

Liquid chromatography analysis accompanied by the detection in time of flight of bioactive compounds present in food.

Liquid chromatography LC1200-Agilent Quadrupole-Time of Fligh Mass Spectrometry G6546A

Metabolomics, peptidomics and proteomics analysis.

Live macrophyte cultures

Macrophyte live cultures resource.


Technique that allows the lyophilisation of biological material.

Measurement of carbonate greenhouse gas fluxes

Gas accumulation chambers and tubes for experimental measurements, various CO₂ and CH4 measurement systems (absorption spectroscopy, infrared detection -IRGA, semi-conduction).

Microbial characterisation (bacteria, archaea, filamentous fungi and yeasts)

Microbial characterisation using several approaches.

Microbial identification (bacteria, archaea, filamentous fungi and yeasts) by sequencing of essential genes.

Microbial identification by essential gene sequencing.

Microbial identification and characterisation by MALDI-TOF MS (matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry)

The MALDI-TOF MS technique allows obtaining the characteristic protein profile of a microbial strain from the analysis of its ribosomal proteins, mainly.

Microbial strain deposit
  • Deposit of strains of archaea, bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts up to risk group 3* according to the definition of Royal Decree 664/1997 of 12 May 1997.
  • Deposit of phages of microbial strains up to risk group 2 according to the definition of Royal Decree 664/1997 of 12 May 1997.
Microbiological reference material

The CECT has a public catalogue that includes more than 8000 strains of bacteria, archaea, filamentous fungi and yeasts. It also has the Mengovirus vMCO and will soon incorporate some phage strains.


Research optical and fluorescence microscopes and stereo microscopes.


Ultracentrifuge for small volumes with 3 rotors: S55A2, S50A and swing-out rotor S52ST.

Molecular taxonomy and functional microbial ecology

Molecular biology tools.

NCB2+ room for cell cultures

Room located inside the Cell Culture laboratory (NCB2), with its own equipment and higher level work protocols. Designed to work with viral vectors, GMOs or level 2 biological agents that require greater security.

Nylon macroarrays for omics studies in S. cerevisiae

Collection of probes for the manufacture of macroarrays. Macroarrays on nylon support with 5400 probes for S. cerevisiae genes.

Phytoplankton and zooplankton samples and cultures

Collection of samples and cultures of the different species of Iberian inland waters.

Polysome fractionator

Equipment for the manufacture of density gradients and their subsequent fractionation used in the study of polysome profiling in cell extracts.

Preparation, assembly and analysis of microbial genomes

DNA extraction, whole genome sequencing (WGS), assembling, determination of quality parameters, genomic analysis...

Robot for macrochip printing

BioGrid II is a robot for the fabrication of macroarryas on nylon support or for the copying of collections of microorganism strains deposited on microtitre plates.


High-precision spectrofluorometer.

Standard greenhouse cabin

Standard greenhouse cabin type "venlo", with control of temperature, relative humidity, CO₂, lighting and irrigation through the Ridder Multima system for regulation, and climate and irrigation control.

Statistical analysis

The UV Statistics Unit works with experts in the use of computer equipment and specific software. The main software used for data analysis is the free R Software.

Toxicology in vivo and in vitro

Studies of toxic substances in cell cultures and experimental animals.

Yeast and E. coli plasmid collection

Collection of plasmids with different yeast genes.

Yeast and E. coli strain collections

Collections of wild-type and mutant strains of S. cerevisiae, S. pombe and C. albicans and E. coli transformed with recombinant plasmids.

heart rate monitor

In IDOCAL laboratory. Ability to measure physiological reactions of the individual (dermal response, heartbeat, sweating, etc.) to the presentation of various stimuli (brands, packaging, advertisements, etc.), in order to measure their effectiveness.