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MESVAL Dialogues – Presentation of the Docufòrum “Tourism and Urban Centres: Valencia” and the book “Key Research in the Transformation of the Valencian Economic Model”

  • Date: 17 December 2020
  • Place: Sánchez Ayuso Hall + online
  • Information: The documentary "Tourism and Urban Centres: Valencia", part of the Docufòrum programme, was screened for the first time at the conference, and the book "Key Research in the Transformation of the Valencian Economic Model" was presented.  Both projects are the result of the collaboration between the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society and the MESVAL Chair.


MESVAL Dialogues - Strategies in Meeting Technologies and Attracting Talent and Innovation. Professional and Creative Tourism

  • Date: December 2020
  • Place: Sánchez Ayuso Hall + online
  • Information: Finally, on Thursday 3 December 2020 the MESVAL Chair held its last dialogue entitled "Strategies in Meeting Technologies and Attraction of Talent and Innovation. Professional and creative tourism".   In this session, we counted on the participation of Antonio Bernabé, Managing Director of Fundació Visit València; Sylvia Andrés, Director of the Palacio de Congresos in València; Bárbara Haba, Owner BHB Group, CEO - MyCo Living; and, José Nacher, Professor of the Faculty of Economics of Universitat de València who was also in charge of moderating the session.


MESVAL Dialogues - Spatial correlation of neighbourhoods in the city of Valencia: socio-economic and business implications

  • Date: 30 November 2020
  • Place: Sánchez Ayuso Hall + online
  • Information: This new dialogue was attended by José Antonio Álvarez, Professor of the Faculty of Economics at Universitat de València; Juan Fernando Morala, Researcher at Universitat de València; and Jorge Hermosilla, Professor of Geography at Universitat de València The participating experts pointed out that with the advent of GPS, the territory has become one of the key variables that explain the socio-economic factors of cities. In this sense, it is essential to have prior knowledge of the historical evolution of cities to better understand the differences in the evolution of neighbourhoods.

MESVAL Dialogues - The economic model of Caixa Ontinyent in the current financial environment

  • Date: 25 November 2020
  • Place: Sánchez Ayuso Hall + online
  • Information: On 25 November, the MESVAL Chair held the dialogue “The economic model of Caixa Ontinyent in the current financial environment” with the participation of Julio Olmos, General Coordinator of the Sustainable Economic Development Area of the Valencia City Council; José Pla-Barber, Professor of Business Organisation at Universitat de València; and Manuel Illueca, General Director of the Valencian Institute of Finance (IVF).  Ángel Pardo, Professor of Financial Economics at Universitat de València, moderated the session.


MESVAL Dialogues - New Ways of Doing Business: Sustainability is Profitable

  • Date: 20 November 2020
  • Place: Sánchez Ayuso Hall + online
  • Information: Sustainability and profitability, is it possible for the company? José Miguel Lorente, Director of Territorial Institutions of Santander Bank, was in charge of leading this new dialogue on new ways of doing business, with the participation of Julio Olmos, General Coordinator of the Sustainable Economic Development Area of Valencia City Council; Carlos Ferrando, Founder of CLOSCA and Carlos Ledó, Founder and CEO of Idai Nature.


MESVAL Dialogues - Digitalisation and Health Safety in Leisure and Cultural Activities and Events Management

  • Date: 19 November 2020
  • Place: Sánchez Ayuso Hall + online
  • Information: Improving the customer experience and adapting to the pandemic situation by applying new security measures were the main topics of the Dialogue "Digitalisation and Health Security in Leisure and Culture Activities and Events Management".


MESVAL Dialogues - Challenges of innovation in Valencia: digitalisation and biotechnology

  • Date: 17 November 2020
  • Place: Online
  • Information: Digitalisation and biotechnology as drivers of innovation in Valencia were the main topics of the webinar "Challenges of innovation in Valencia", held on 17 November. Javier Mateo, General Director of Entrepreneurship - Deputy Director of València Activa; Sabrina Femenía, Director of Biohub VLC; and Francesc de Paula Pons, Project Manager at INNSOMNIA, participated in this new dialogue moderated by Isidre March, Director of the University Master's Degree in Creation and Management of Innovative Companies (Master EI).


MESVAL Dialogues - Making the most of data. Business Intelligence and Analytics

  • Date: 13 November 2020
  • Place: Sánchez Ayuso Hall + online
  • Information: This session was attended by Pilar Bernabé, Deputy Mayor of Valencia City Council, who was in charge of opening this new Dialogue; Pablo Negre, General Manager Solver Intelligent Analytics; Paco Gavilán, President and CEO at NUNSYS; and, Jose Miguel Lorente, Director Territorial Institutions Santander Bank. In addition, Clara Martínez, lecturer in the Department of Business Management at Universitat de València, was in charge of moderating the session.  Clara wanted to start the debate by highlighting the importance of digitalisation for companies. Martínez highlighted two important aspects: digitalisation is used to make great decisions and digitalisation converts processes into data.


MESVAL Dialogues - Trade and Future of Cities

  • Date: 12 November 2020
  • Place: Sánchez Ayuso Hall + online
  • Information: The importance of proximity trade is one of the main capitals of the city of Valencia for its ability to generate employment, wealth and provide life in Valencian neighbourhoods. This was one of the main conclusions of the dialogue organised on 12 November by the Chair for Sustainable Economic Model of Valencia and its Surroundings (MESVAL Chair) of Universitat de València, which was attended by businessmen and heads of some of the main institutions representing a large group of traders in the city of Valencia.


MESVAL Dialogues - Economic outlook for Valencian professionals and business

  • Date: 10 November 2020
  • Place: Sánchez Ayuso Hall + online
  • Information: This new dialogue was inaugurated by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and current director of the MESVAL Chair, José Manuel Pastor; and moderated by Begoña Ginerm Professor of Universitat de València and Professor of the Accounting Department of the Faculty of Economics. Borja Sanjuan, Councillor for Finance; Luis Chinchilla, President of the APAFCV; Juan José Enríquez, Dean of the COEV; and Juan José Estruch, Dean of the COMEVA, were present to discuss such burning issues for the economy of Valencian professionals and companies, such as the impact of public administrations on the development and survival of companies, the effect of possible new confinement.


MESVAL Dialogues - Valencia: city of sport

  • Date: 9 November 2020
  • Place: Ignasi Villalonga Hall + online
  • Information: On 9 November a new edition of the MESVAL Dialogues, organised by the Chair for Sustainable Economic Model of Valencia and its Environment (MESVAL), took place at the Faculty of Economics. On this occasion, the focus was on the importance of Valencia as a strategic location for the sport.  In this sense, during the session, topics such as popular sport, the economic impact of sport and the measures to be implemented to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic were addressed.


MESVAL Dialogues - Implementing sustainable tourism: COVID-19 impact

  • Date: 2 November 2020
  • Place: Sánchez Ayuso Hall + online
  • Information: On 2 November, the Chair Sustainable Economic Model of Valencia and its surroundings (MESVAL) held its second MESVAL Dialogue.  This session became a debate forum where it was possible to know what are the key factors and strengths to implement sustainable tourism in times of COVID-19 in the Valencian Community.