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VIII Jornadas de Innovación Educativa JSVE 2022 and II International Conference on Electronic Voting Systems

  • May 27th, 2022
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VIII Jornadas sobre Sistemas de Votación Electrónica (JSVE) 2022 (Spanish for 8th Electronic Voting System Conference) and II International Conference on Electronic Voting Systems: pandemic lessons, teaching modalities and SDGs.

Wednesday June the 22nd from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Manuel Sánchez Ayuso Hall of the Faculty of Economics (first floor) and Virtual Platform.

The educational innovation conference “VIII JSVE 2022 and II Conference on Electronic Voting Systems - Milestones in education: lessons from pandemics, teaching modalities and SDGs” is intended, as in previous editions, as a space for debate and exchange within the academic community.

This eighth edition aims to focus on the milestones of the 2021/2022 academic year, which has developed as a natural continuation of the previous one, in terms of the immersion of the education system in a process of change and digitalisation due to the crisis caused by the pandemic. In addition, the changing healthcare situation has meant that teaching modalities have had to be readjusted, laying the faoundations to different scenarios: full online teaching format, hybrid teaching and 100% face-to-face teaching. This has led to a significant increase in the workload of both teaching staff and student body, with new challenges to maintain attention and motivation, as well as the quality of the teaching-learning process.


Simultaneously, aware of the need for a review of teaching materials that goes beyond adaptation to teaching methods and incorporates the Millennium Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are key in reducing social and economic inequalities, preserving the environment and ecosystems and ensuring a dignified and inclusive future for upcoming generations, a thematic focus is proposed at the conference to address this issue.

It is evident from the above that the education system is in a constant process of change and updating. Moreover, teaching and learning are dynamic processes that feed back on the cooperation of the agents involved in them: teaching staff and student body. What we would like this conference to be is a forum for collaboration and interaction between these agents, in which it would be possible to exchange opinions on the methodologies and materials developed and used.

Thus, and in line with the aforementioned, we convened the VIII Jornadas de Sistemas de Votación Electrónica and the II International Conference on Electronic Voting Systems (IICEVS). Given the pragmatic nature and interest of this conference, we encourage the academic community to attend and/or share and disseminate by submitting their research in teaching innovation.

 Organised by:

Teaching Innovation Project (PID): “Elaboración de materiales interactivos y multidisciplinares para favorecer el aprendizaje y evaluación en los estudios de grado”. (Spanish for Development of interactive and multidisciplinary materials to promote learning and assessment in Degree studies) (UV-SFPIE_PID-1639467).

More information:
