Universitat de ValènciaBurjassot Campus Management Unit Logo del portal


"Charles Darwin" Hall It can hold up to 351 people. The room has a platform. The furniture includes tablet arm chairs. It has a sound booth (video and sound). The computer equipment is portable. The hall can be darkened with a curtain. The screen can be rolled up. It has sound reinforcement system

"Eduard Boscà" Library

Assembly Hall It has capacity of 104 people.The room has a platform. The furniture includes tablet arm chairs.It has a sound reinforcement system, computer equipment ( Windows ), video and slides projector. The hall can be darkned with a curtain. The screen can be rolled up and there is a blackboard.
Boardroom It can hold up to 8 people. The furniture includes a big table with chairs . The room can be darkened with a curtain.

Office of the Dean

Boardroom It has a capacity of 40 people. The furniture includes a large table with 38 chairs and another table with 12 chairs. It has a sound reinforcement system, portable computer equipment,  projector, webcam, 3 TV screens, videoconference. The room can be darkened with roller blinds.