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The Master's in Business Strategy visits Importaco

  • April 26th, 2024
El Màster en Estratègia d'Empresa visita Importaco

As part of the subject "Change Management", students and teaching staff of the Master's in Business Strategy visited the company Importaco last Wednesday

As part of the annual programme of the "Change Management" course of the Master's in Business Strategy, a visit to Importaco, a leading company in the dried fruit and bottled water sector, has become an eagerly awaited annual event. Its long history makes it an excellent example of how successful organisations are able to take advantage of opportunities and overcome the threats of the environment, continually focusing on people and quality in order to achieve business success.
The visit was coordinated by Professor Manuela Pardo and the External Relations and CSR Technician Claudia Esteban, who organised the day with a presentation of Importaco's strategy and trajectory, by the Strategy and Development Consultant María Brague, and a visit to the Technology Centre, with its head, Amparo Devesa.
Many thanks to all those who made this possible!
