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Antonio Camacho explains the importance of wetlands in the presentation of the Green Recovery Plan of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • February 1st, 2021
Antonio Camacho.

The professor of the Department of Microbiology and Ecology of the University of Valencia Antonio Camacho participates this Tuesday 2, on the occasion of World Wetlands Day, in a debate organised on the occasion of the presentation of the Green Recovery Plan of Spain organised by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. The event will be online and will be presented by the Vice President of the Government and Minister of the area, Teresa Ribera, who will explain the strategic nature of the document.

The event, Water, Wetlands and life, deals with the commitment and work of the Government of Spain with wetlands, included in the Green Recovery Plan. It will take place through a platform and will be broadcast simultaneously on the different social media channels of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge and of the Biodiversity Foundation (Twitter, Facebook and YouTube).

At the event, inaugurated by Minister Teresa Ribera, a brief two-minute introductory video on wetlands will be screened, followed by a scientific debate on the importance and benefits of these areas, as well as on their conservation and restoration. Apart from Antonio Camacho, also president of the European Federation of Freshwater Sciences (EFFS),the speakers will be Eduardo de Miguel, managing director of the Global Nature Foundation and Elena Pita, director of the Biodiversity Foundation. The debate will be moderated by Cristina Monge, political scientist, adviser to Ecodes, professor of Sociology at the University of Zaragoza and associate researcher at BC3.


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