The service of animal housing and experimental operating rooms of the Central Research Unit of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, was created with the purpose of offering users (teaching or research institutions or private entities); the infrastructure or animal production techniques necessary for the development of those projects which require the use of experimental animals contributing actively at the same time in the animal experimentation quality, as well as the wellfare of animals.
The facilities have as main purpose to provide centralised and specific instrumentation for the breeding and maintenance of experimental animals. In this sense the centre is registered as user centre of experimental animals in the registration of experimental animals of the Service of Animal Production and Health; Generalitat Valenciana.
The animals come from breeding and supplying centres registered in our country. The rest of animals are raised in our animal housing. The animals that come from supplying centres in relation to their health condition, meet the rules recommended by FELASA, being pathogen-free agents animals. With established regularity, health checks (sentinel programme) of the different populations of animals which define the animal housing will be carried out, with the purpose of knowing the health status of our experimental animals.