3D Bioprinter with temperature control system, air dispenser controller and air compressor for plastic materials.
Maintains uniform culture conditions throughout the space by means of a direct air jacket heating system, which allows the exact simulation of physiological conditions to be achieved. Homogeneous temperature distribution on all walls of the useful enclosure, thus avoiding possible condensation. Fast and highly efficient distribution of temperature, CO₂ and humidity is achieved by a stainless steel fan at the top of the incubator, ensuring uniformity for all samples regardless of their location in the incubator.
The Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer is a microfluidic-based platform designed for sizing, quantification and quality control of DNA and RNA by small-chip electrophoresis in a single instrument. Results are obtained in a short time in an automated way, directly in digital format.
The miniaturisation of analytical instruments offers numerous advantages over conventional techniques. These include improved data accuracy and reproducibility, reduced analysis times, minimal sample consumption and improved automation and integration of complex workflows.
Water bath to regulate the temperature of the liquid from 5 ºC to 110 ºC.
Analytical and precision single-pan balance equipped with "State-of-the-Art", measuring accuracy, repeatability, sturdy ABS housing, with LCD display. Applications: counting, weighing, averaging. Net total. RS 232 bidirectional interface. External calibration, compact housing and its excellent operability from weighing metals to, counting parts or working with chemicals and liquids.
The Array platform, designed by Affymetrix, provides a holistic study of organisms from the perspective of systems biology, a better understanding of biological properties and interactions as a whole. This technology provides the flexibility to study a specific subset of genes of interest or to be able to focus on the study of the genome at a global level in order to understand and define in depth the complex mechanisms and networks that underlie biological processes and diseases.
Reads and reproduces the total cell count and performs live/dead cell correlation in one step. Results in 30 seconds.
They are suitable for the handling of biologically pathogenic samples or products (up to micro-organisms of third degree of risk) ensuring the protection of sterile air in the working area, a high protection of the operator and also of the environment.
Equipment designed to monitor the patient's vital signs (ECG, pulse oximetry, capnography, invasive and non-invasive blood pressure, temperature).
The bright-field microscope allows us to view stained or naturally pigmented samples that are highly contrasted. The source of illumination is white light. The components of the sample are visualised thanks to the differences in contrast between them and the surrounding medium.
Equipment that allows the induction and maintenance of rodents under anaesthesia for the performance of surgical procedures. Anaesthesia should always be complemented by an adequate analgesia protocol.
The confocal microscope allows us to visualize images with different fluorescent labelling, therefore obtaining images of great sharpness and quality because the pictures earned are not contaminated by light emitted outside the focal plane. Thanks to this confocal characteristic, we can perform three-dimensional reconstructions from optical sections.
The variety of fluorescent proteins and multicolour probes that have been developed allows virtually any molecule to be tagged. The ability to visualise protein dynamics in vesicles, organelles, cells and tissues has provided new information about the functioning of cells in both healthy and diseased situations. This information includes the spatio-temporal dynamics of processes, such as mitosis; studies on the dynamics of ions, such as Ca+₂ and changes in the cytoskeleton.
InAlyzer (MEDIKORS INC.) is a body composition analyser for laboratory animals using DXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) with FAM BEAM 2 technology using a dual DR and DXA imaging model. This instrument provides accurate results of mineral content and density, bone, body composition (BMC, FAT, LEAN) of laboratory animals, in units of 0.001g without dissection, allowing serial evaluation of several laboratory animals after anaesthesia.
Equipment designed for the administration of inhalation anaesthesia and/or patient ventilation during surgical or diagnostic procedures.
Equipment that determines and quantifies the fluorescence of fluorescent probes attached to different parts of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, organelles, proteins. The emitted fluorescence is collected on different filters limited to a certain wavelength. Fluorescence quantification is associated with the cell parameter being measured, generating quantitative results such as fluorescence intensity, percentage of cell populations, cell count/ML.
Equipment that determines and quantifies the fluorescence of fluorescent probes attached to different parts of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, organelles, proteins. The emitted fluorescence is collected on different filters limited to a certain wavelength. Fluorescence quantification is associated with the cell parameter being measured, generating quantitative results such as fluorescence intensity, percentage of cell populations, cell count/ML.
Fluorescence is one of the most widely used physical phenomena in biological and analytical microscopy, mainly because of its high degree of sensitivity and specificity. Fluorescence microscopy allows users to determine the distribution of a single molecule, its quantity and its location within a cell.
Fluorescence microscopes used in research applications are based on a series of optical filters. The filters are usually inserted in a filter block. While the excitation filter selects the wavelengths that excite a particular fluorophore within the sample, the emission filter acts as a kind of quality control, as it only allows the wavelengths of interest emitted by the fluorophore to pass through.
Fluoroscopy is the method of real-time X-ray imaging, considered to be a very effective tool for a wide variety of diagnostic examinations and patient interventions. It should not be confused with conventional radiology, which is based on static imaging, commonly known as radiography.
This platform can determine the type of blood cells (red, white and platelets). For white blood cells, it also provides information on relative and absolute counts. On the other hand, it allows biochemical analysers to determine a wide range of analytes in blood, serum and plasma.
They are suitable for the handling of biologically pathogenic samples or products (up to micro-organisms of third degree of risk) ensuring the protection of sterile air in the working area, a high protection of the operator and also of the environment.
An imaging flow cytometer is a device that combines flow cytometry and microscopy to capture detailed images of cells, allowing a more complete analysis of their morphology and structure.
This platform has various imaging scanners for experiments with small animals (mice and rats). These scanners can also be used to obtain images in solid biological samples.
Maintains uniform culture conditions throughout the entire space by means of a direct air jacket heating system, which enables the exact simulation of physiological conditions to be achieved. Homogeneous temperature distribution on all walls of the useful space, thus avoiding possible condensation. Fast and highly efficient distribution of temperature, CO₂ and humidity is achieved by a stainless steel fan at the top of the incubator, ensuring uniformity for all samples regardless of their location in the incubator.
Maintains uniform culture conditions throughout the space. Improves temperature stability thanks to three independently controlled heaters and Panasonic's unique, patented air jacket construction. Patented SafeCell™ UV system, which acts on the internal air ducts to destroy contaminants in the air and humidity tray. Exclusive copper-enriched stainless steel InCu saFe® interior surfaces ensure consistent protection against germs.
Maintains uniform culture conditions throughout the space. Improves temperature stability thanks to three independently controlled heaters and Panasonic's unique, patented air jacket construction. Patented SafeCell™ UV system, which acts on the internal air ducts to destroy contaminants in the air and humidity tray. Exclusive copper-enriched stainless steel InCu saFe® interior surfaces ensure consistent protection against germs.
Maintains uniform culture conditions throughout the space. Automatic autozeroing system for accurate and permanent control. CO₂ inlet with biological filter.
Inverted microscope with phase contrast, 4 lenses of 5X, 10X, 20X and 40X. With camera and a monitor attached.
Equipment that quantitatively determines the concentrations of one, several or many substances in a biological (serum, plasma, tissue or urine), food or environmental sample. This is achieved by chromatographic separation of the compounds present in the matrix to be studied, either by liquid chromatography or gas chromatography and their subsequent nebulisation with fragmentation to detect the components according to their molecular weight.
OptiMair vertical laminar flow cabinets are useful for mycology, food microbiology, plant and mammalian cell culture, clinical pharmacy and hospital protocols, clean rooms, pharmaceutical industry where product protection is required.
These are full-spectrum UV-Vis spectrophotometers for quantifying and assessing the purity of DNA, RNA, protein and more.
The MACSxpress separator is a system designed for the manual separation of magnetic-labelled cells utilising the MACS® technology.
The Massarray platform is responsible for the research study of biological samples through the fine mapping of DNA sequences and the analysis of methylation phenomena. With this equipment, dozens of DNA variants such as SNPs, insertions or deletions can be analysed in hundreds of samples in a short time with a high degree of precision and sensitivity. It is also possible to analyse somatic mutations such as those present in samples of cancerous origin. Finally, the degree of methylation of individual CpGs in short DNA sequences can be quantitatively quantified.
Massive DNA sequencing equipment based on sequencing by synthesis, using nucleotides labelled with fluorophores of different colours, and capturing images of the emitted fluorescence.
Equipment that allows the induction and maintenance of rodents under anaesthesia for the performance of surgical procedures. Anaesthesia should always be complemented by an adequate analgesia protocol.
Ventilation equipment for animals weighing between 18 and 70 grams (mouse).
Rodent monitor: for monitoring electrocardiogram, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation.
Cryogenic receptacle for storage of cell lines.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is defined as the study of molecules by recording the interaction of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation with the nuclei of molecules located in an external magnetic field. It is a technique used to evaluate the biochemical content of living tissues, providing metabolic information complementary to the anatomical alterations that can be found in radiological studies.
Equipment that allows the induction and maintenance of rodents under anaesthesia for the performance of surgical procedures. Anaesthesia should always be complemented by an adequate analgesia protocol.
Ventilation equipment for animals weighing between 250 and 10 kg.
Real-time PCR is a technique that combines amplification and detection in a single step by correlating the PCR product of each cycle with a fluorescence intensity signal. They consist of a thermal cycler coupled to an optical system, which monitors the signal of the fluorophores used to detect the amplified product. Because the fluorescence of the fluorophores increases as the product is amplified, the amplification and detection processes are combined in a single step.
Refrigerated microcentrifuge for 1.8mL tubes.
Centrifuge with rotors for cell pelleting.
Centrifuge with rotors for collecting cell pellets.
Centrifuge with rotors for cell pelleting.
A device designed to measure non-invasive tail blood pressure in rats and mice in up to 4 animals simultaneously.
Equipment that determines and quantifies the fluorescence of fluorescent probes attached to different parts of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, organelles, proteins. The emitted fluorescence is collected on different filters limited to a certain wavelength. Fluorescence quantification is associated with the cell parameter being measured, generating quantitative results such as fluorescence intensity, percentage of cell populations, cell count/ML.
The equipment has a cell separation system allowing the physical separation of a given population with different levels of purity. It allows separation under sterile conditions.
Filter-free multi-wavelength measurement for protein quantification, DNA quantification, ELISA, molecular biology.
Full spectrum UV-Vis spectrophotometers for quantifying and assessing the purity of DNA, RNA, protein and more.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a is a technique for amplifying nucleic acids in vitro, emulating the natural DNA replication process. PCR amplification is achieved using a thermal cycler by raising and lowering the temperature of the samples in a thermoblock in programmed step cycles.
Centrifuge for separation of samples requiring high centrifugation speeds.
An ultrasound is a diagnostic device used to perform ultrasound scans. High-frequency sound waves generate image sequences of organs and formations within the body.
The Visera Elite II tower is the new state-of-the-art platform, offering the highest image resolution and maximum clarity and colour reproduction to facilitate the work of the practitioners. It also has an extra module for the use of a gastroscope in digestive endoscopy.
The W8 Physical Cytometer is based on a ground-breaking flow-technology that measures the physical properties of spherical biological samples through a combination gravimetric and dimensional analysis. This novel approach provides an analysis of 3D cells, particularly spheroids and organoids, to measure mass density, weight, radius and their derivatives. This cytometer allows the operator to perform physical-based sorting of a target population under sterile conditions.
This system can be used to irradiate models in vivo (rats and mice) and in vitro (cell cultures). In addition, the integrated imaging system (OptiMAX) can provide bioluminescence imaging, 2D X-ray imaging and radioisotope imaging.