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Thermo Scientific Forma Steri-Cycle i160
5% CO₂ 21%O2 hypoxia incubator
Brand: Thermo Scientific Forma Steri-Cycle i160
Type: Equipment

Maintains uniform culture conditions throughout the space by means of a direct air jacket heating system, which allows the exact simulation of physiological conditions to be achieved. Homogeneous temperature distribution on all walls of the useful enclosure, thus avoiding possible condensation. Fast and highly efficient distribution of temperature, CO₂ and humidity is achieved by a stainless steel fan at the top of the incubator, ensuring uniformity for all samples regardless of their location in the incubator.


ContraCON automatic decontamination system. Protection system against sample desiccation. Maximum protection against contamination Digital touch screen. Easy, fast and complete control and visualisation of the culture parameters. New MULTIPROCESSOR technology reliably controlling all parameters, detecting any anomaly and giving textual error messages (diagnosis system). HEPA filtration ISO 5. The HEPA system inside the chamber continuously filters the entire volume of air in the chamber every 60 seconds. ISO Class 5 cleanroom air quality is achieved in the culture chamber within 5 minutes. Continuous protection as the possibility of contaminants settling on internal surfaces is minimised.

Practical implementation
  • Development of cell cultures in an atmosphere similar to physiological conditions.
Quality certifications

ISO 9001, certificación ENAC

Terms of use

Equipment for sample determination, please contact the service.