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DMi8 inverted live cell microscope - calcium probes
Brand: LEICA DMi8
Type: Equipment

The variety of fluorescent proteins and multicolour probes that have been developed allows virtually any molecule to be tagged. The ability to visualise protein dynamics in vesicles, organelles, cells and tissues has provided new information about the functioning of cells in both healthy and diseased situations. This information includes the spatio-temporal dynamics of processes, such as mitosis; studies on the dynamics of ions, such as Ca+₂ and changes in the cytoskeleton.


It is an inverted microscope, which allows us to visualise both fixed samples and live cells. During imaging, certain environmental conditions must be maintained to avoid changes in the cells, which is achieved thanks to the fact that it has an incubation system on the stage to control temperature, CO₂ and humidity.

It is a motorised microscope that includes a focus maintenance system.

It has four objectives: 10x, 20x, 40x and 63x, the latter being an oil objective. The fluorescence illumination source is a series of 16 LEDs covering the range 365-770nm.

It has a monochrome digital camera, with high dynamic range and quantum efficiency for live cell imaging, and for studies such as calcium dynamics.

Equipped with Gemini system for simultaneous acquisition of two wavelengths.

Practical implementation
  • Studies of colocalisation, internalisation and cell trafficking.
  • Studies of Ca+₂ dynamics.
  • Studies of protein-protein interactions using the FRET technique.
Quality certifications

ISO 9001

Terms of use

This equipment can be used by users after receiving appropriate training by technicians.

  • Priego Villanueva, Sonia
  • PAS-Ets Investigacio
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  • Ibañez Gonzalez, Antonio Jose
  • PAS-Ets Investigacio
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