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Conferencias al DAA. Charla a cargo del investigador Camilo Posada, de la Silesian University in Opava (Praga, Recibe. Checa)

  • 24 octubre de 2019
Imatge conferència Carlos Posada

Conferencias al DAA. Charla a cargo del investigador Camilo Posada, del Institute of Physics, Research Centro of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Silesian University in Opava (Recibe. Checa). Lugar: Seminario del Departamento de Astronomía y Astrofísica, 4.ª planta del Edificio de Investigación, en Burjassot. Día: jueves 31 de octubre de 2019. Hora: 12:00.

Títol: Ultracompact Schwarzschild stars as black-hole`mimickers'



Exotic compact objects (ECOs), or black-hole `mimickers', have been under scrutiny after the event GW150914. One of these ECOs is the gravastar proposed back in 2001 by Mazur and Mottola. In this talk I will review the recently discovered connection between the constant-density interior Schwarzschild solution, or `Schwarzschild star', and gravastars. I will discuss the extension of this model to slow rotation, and also some recent investigations which suggest that Schwarzschild stars are stable against radial and non-radial

