Título: Exploring the magnetic field properties of the Mpc-scale jet plasma in OJ287
Lugar: Seminario del DAA. Edificio Investigación Jeroni Muñoz, planta cuarta, en Burjassot.
Día: viernes 22 de noviembre de 2024. Hora: 12:00.
The BL Lacerta object OJ287 , located at z = 0.306 is a very unusual object, as it is suspected of hosting a binary black hole system which powers a relativistic blazar jet. New LOFAR observations of this source, reduced including its international baselines, have allowed us to match the resolution of instruments such as the VLA and Chandra, thereby resolving the knots in the kpc jet of OJ287. We study the evolution of the synchrotron spectrum evolution along the jet's length, and report the discovery of new jet components only detected at very low frequencies. Finally, we discuss current work studying the magnetic field structure in the large-scale jet of OJ287 through its measured polarisation properties.