University of Valencia logo Logo Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine and Biotechnology Logo del portal

Degree number of credits: 60

Compulsory credits: 45

Final project: 15

Degree code: 2254

Years: 1

Teaching type: Presencial

Knowledge branch: HEALTH SCIENCES

Master degree website:

Places available for new students: 40

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Price of credit for non-resident foreign students [academic year 2025-26]: 70.68€

Price per credit [academic year 2024-25]:35.34€

Management Centre: Faculty of Medicine and Odontology

Languages used in class: Spanish and English

Participating Universities: University of Valencia

Academic Coordinating Committee: José Enrique O´Connor Blasco (Director)
Eulalia Alonso Iglesias
Ramiro Jover Atienza
Pilar López García
Gerardo López Rodas
Concepción Gacía de Mier (PAS)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: This Master's Degree recognises the importance of the molecular level and its own technology in the modern clinical context and expects to provide knowledge, attitudes and skills for the future Molecular Sciences and Health Sciences professionals, that give them a privileged position in a scientific, professional and training context, common and interactive.

PhD programme linked to this Master’s programme: Biomedicine and Biotecnology

Pre-enrolment information: Student Information Service

Academic information: