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The mention “International Doctor” may be included on the front page of the certificate of Doctor, provided that these circumstances concur:

1. The mention "international Doctor" may be awarded to a doctoral degree, provided that the following circumstances are met
following circumstances:

a) That, during the period of training required to obtain the doctoral degree, the doctoral student a) During the period of training required to obtain the doctoral degree, the doctoral candidate has spent one or more sufficiently accredited stays of at least three months in one or more institutions of higher education or research centres. institutions of higher education or research centres of prestige outside Spain to study or carry out research work and with funding from the Spanish Ministry of Education.
or to carry out research work and with funding through competitive calls for short stays. short stays. Stays and activities must be endorsed by the director and authorised by the CAPD. CAPD and, once they have been carried out and validated by the host institution, they will be included in the doctoral student's activities document. of the doctoral student.

In the event that the stay does not have competitive funding, authorisation must be requested from the Doctoral School through the CAPD. from the Doctoral School through the corresponding CAPD at least one month in advance. The application must include the letter of acceptance from the host institution, the CV of the person responsible for the stay and the work plan to be developed. and the work plan to be developed. The subcommittee of the corresponding area of the School for Doctoral Studies will will issue the mandatory report and authorise, if appropriate, the stay.

Stays to obtain the international mention may not be carried out in the university or centre of affiliation of the affiliation of the thesis supervisors, nor in the student's university of origin.

The stay of at least three months may be divided into a maximum of two periods, neither of which may be of uninterrupted duration. may not have an uninterrupted duration of less than one month.

b) That part of the doctoral thesis, at least an abstract of at least 15,000 words and the conclusions, has been written and is conclusions, must have been written and defended in one of the usual languages for scientific communication in their field of knowledge, other than the language in which it was written. in its field of knowledge, other than any of the official languages in Spain, without prejudice to the provisions of Article without prejudice to the provisions of Article 7.2 of these Regulations.

c) When the stays considered for the international mention have been carried out in Spanish-speaking countries and the researchers come from Spanish-speaking countries and the experts come from these countries, the provisions of the previous paragraph shall not apply. However, the CAPD may request, subject to prior justification, that most or all of the thesis be written or defended in one of the foreign languages customary for scientific communication in its field of knowledge, in accordance with the above paragraph.
in accordance with what is stated in the previous paragraph.

d) That a minimum of two experts with accredited research experience have reported positively on the thesis prior to its reading. experts with accredited research experience who belong to a higher education institution or a non-Spanish research institute. research institute outside Spain.

e) An expert from a higher education institution or research institute outside Spain must have been a member of the thesis examining board. institution of higher education or non-Spanish research centre, with a stable link, equal to or greater than 3 years, with a degree of 3 years, with the title of doctor and with accredited research experience, provided that he/she is not the person in charge of the stays mentioned in the
responsible for the stays mentioned in section a).

2. The defence of the thesis shall be held at the university to which the doctoral candidate is attached. attached to.

3. Doctoral candidates who wish to apply for the award of the title of ‘international doctor’ must 3. Doctoral students who wish to apply for the award of the title of ‘international doctor’ must state this circumstance in their application for the deposit of their doctoral thesis

Article 9 of the Regulations on the deposit, evaluation and defence of doctoral theses