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Professor Dr Carlos L. Alfonso Mellado and Professor Dr Gemma Fabregat

Topic 1. The impact of globalisation on collective labour relations

- Learning to relate globalisation to changes in the activities of trades unions and business associations
- To know and be able to understand the new types of business and the problems of trade union action therein
- Reflecting on specific assumptions
- Reflecting on the proposals for action in this regard

Topic 2. Tensions around social protection in today’s world

- Knowing the different types of social protection and its financing
- Knowing the current problems affecting social protection systems and how internationalisation of production relations has impact on them
- To know and be able to synthesise and critically analyse the different proposals on the reform of social protection systems

Topic 3. The impact of globalisation on collective labour relations

- Knowing the impact of globalisation on the contractual regulation of the relations between workers and employers
- Knowing the proposal to reform the labour regulations
- To know and be able to synthesise and critically analyse the different reform proposals

- To analyse the efficacy problems of the labour regulations and the tutelary systems that can ensure that effectiveness at present.

Professor Dr Mª Belén Cardona Rubert

Topic 1. Information and communication technologies and workers’ right to privacy.

- Knowing the boundaries between employer’s powers and workers’ rights
- Consequences of the use of ICTs on the labour contract

Topic 2. Participation and equality plans in companies

- Understanding the concept of equality in international and national law
- To distinguish the forms of participation of workers’ representatives on equality
- Content of equality measures
- Equality plans

Topic 3. Process of protection of trade union freedom and other fundamental rights

- Knowing the proceeding scope
- Knowing the procedural legal capacity
- Knowing the proceeding specialisation

Professor Dr Gemma Fabregat Monfort 

Topic 1. Gender discrimination in the work sphere

- Knowing guarantee and prevention mechanisms
- Analysis of the cases and existing case-law
- Comparing the existing legal guarantees in other States
- Reflecting on the existing good practises

Topic 2. Equality plans as a mechanism of anti-discriminatory guardianship

- Knowing the peculiarities involved in security and prevention
- Comparing it with other guardianship mechanisms
- Reflecting on the existing good practises
- Analysis of the cases and existing case-law

Topic 3. Fundamental rights in employment relationship

- Knowing the regulatory framework of fundamental rights
- Analysing the case-law on interpretation of fundamental rights in employment relationship
- Exploring the use of protocols as a good practise for the protection of fundamental rights