Following the RD99/2011 philosophy, doctoral students are researchers in training. So, the training activities put forward in the current programme integrate doctoral training both in research competencies and in knowledge and skills related to the thematic and substantive issues of the discipline. Furthermore, the development of these competencies has to promote the research career and the knowledge transfer to society.
Cross-disciplinary seminars/workshops (ST)
6 workshops to be taken and passed both full-time or part-time by all doctoral students are proposed. These workshops aim to develop the principle research skills and systematise their abilities and improve their attitudes towards research.
Seminars /Specific workshops (SE) in the disciplinary field of the programme, interdisciplinary issues and/or relevant research methodologies.
Its primary objective is the presentation of research projects and programmes by leading researchers in the discipline, belonging to other universities also offering opportunities for doctoral students to have a consultation session with the researcher on topics of mutual interest.
Annual Conferences of Presentation of Doctoral Students’ Results (JAPR) and Monitoring of progress and results obtained during the last year.
It is a peak in the annual training plan of the programme. Throughout these conferences the students present their works and progress developed during the last year. A professor (not being the student’s director or tutor) provides feedback and makes questions on the presented work and the rest of participants can raise questions to the student who presents the work. Professors who participate in the “discussion” on the work will seek to generalize the suggestions for improvement to be useful to other participant doctoral students. That is why the participation of doctoral students in the Annual Conference is compulsory.
Participation and presentation of papers at international or national scientific conferences and also in Fairs or Professional conferences on Management and Human Resource Development.
The purpose is encouraging the doctoral students to participate in scientific conferences presenting their research work and actively seeking feedback and ideas for improvement. Furthermore, an active participation in several conferences, making questions and comments on the presented works is also encouraged.
Research stays at foreign universities.
It is intended that the majority of doctoral students make a stay at active and prestigious centres of international research on the doctoral student’s research topic. These activities were previously planned for the doctoral student to be aware of the work of the research team and is also planned determining the activities that take place during the stays and results expected of it.Additionally, doctoral students are encouraged to present at least one presentation to the equipment of the host centre on their research with a brief description of the Doctoral Studies and Research Centre where they are studying the doctoral programme.