Transversal activities
How can I find out what transverse doctoral activities I need to take?
To find out about the compulsory and optional activities recognised by each doctoral programme, their duration or equivalent load in hours and the minimum number of hours you have to do, the doctoral student must consult the program's website (section "Structure", subsections "Transverse activities" and "Training activities") and the indications of his/her Academic Committee and tutor.
Specifically, in the case of transversal training activities, each academic year the Doctoral School approves the general catalogue and publishes it on its website. The approved transversal activities are offered in one or more editions depending on the number of students expected, with different dates, profiles and languages. All the editions are studied in distance mode (online), have a duration equivalent to 15 hours and are taught through the Virtual Classroom of the UV, during approximately two weeks.
How do I apply for the doctoral transverse activities?
Registration for the transverse training activities is free and is currently done through the computer platform of the Staff Development and Educational Innovation Service, which can be accessed with the UV student user and password during the registration period approved by the Doctoral School and announced each academic year on its website.
Prior to registration, it is important to check the catalogue approved for the academic year and to plan the activities/courses and specific editions of these that you wish to take, taking into account the following aspects: - Each student can register for only one edition of each activity. If you do not pass the activity with flying colours, you will not be able to return to it until the next academic year.
In the description of each of the editions, the dates, the working language and, if applicable, the student profile to which it is addressed are specified by academic areas (humanities, basic sciences, social sciences, etc.)
If there are no places available in any of the editions of a transverse activity in which the student wishes to register, he/she may register in the edition called "Waiting list", offered in each of these activities, or either wait for the next call.
Access the guide of doctoral transverse activities
How are transverse activities evaluated?
The passing of the transversal activities will be determined by the faculty of the activity, after verifying the attendance and participation of the doctoral student in the training activity and the achievement of the learning outcomes foreseen in the training activity.
The teaching staff will inform students of their academic qualifications, which may be either APPROVED or NOT APPROVED. The results can be consulted on the “Manuel Sanchis Guarner” Centre for Education and Quality (SFPIE) platform throughout the academic year. To do so, you must go to the tab Training > Certificate Management > Consult my SFPIE file and access the link: "Training Management Platform".
Once all the courses offered in each academic year have been completed, during the month of July, the information will be transferred to the file of each doctorate student. The SFPIE will in no case certify this training received by the doctoral student.