What is the doctoral thesis?
The doctoral thesis is defined as original research work developed by the candidate in any discipline.
Doctoral thesis supervisor
The University of Valencia will assign the candidate a supervisor with accredited research experience. The thesis may also be co-supervised with other doctoral professionals.
Candidates admitted to the doctoral programme are required to enrol each year under the reference of doctoral supervision.
Registration of the doctoral thesis
Prior to depositing the doctoral thesis the candidate is required to register the thesis.
Deposit of the doctoral thesis
Prior to reading the thesis, the candidate must deposit it in accordance with the regulations for assessment and deposit of the doctoral thesis approved by the Governing Council of the University of Valencia.
- Electronic application thesis deposit
- Information for the publication in TESEO (repository Ministry)*
- Information for the publication in RODERIC*
*Both publications are compulsory.
The TESEO form must be completed before the thesis act defence
Publication in RODERIC is compulsory after the thesis act defence
Defending the thesis
The doctoral thesis is evaluated during the act of defence which takes place in a public session. This session consists of the presentation and defence of the research project. The doctoral professionals present in the session may ask questions once indicated by the president of the examining committee.
The examining committee will issue a report and overall grade according to the following scale: suitable.
The thesis may receive “Cum laude” if unanimously voted by secret ballot.
Legislative regulations:
- Regulations for Doctoral Studies, CG 25-VII-2017
- Regulations about submission, assessment and defence of the doctoral thesis . (Regulations approved by the Governing Council on 23 July 2024 (ACGUV 252/2024). This Regulation repeals the Regulation on the deposit, evaluation and defence of doctoral theses (ACGUV 266/2011), of 29 November 2011 and its subsequent amendments and the Regulation for the award of the Industrial Mention in Doctoral Degrees issued by the University of Valencia (ACGUV 137/2019), of 20 June 2019).