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Doctoral Programme in Communication and Inter-culturality

Programme code: 3106

Regulations: Real Decreto 99/2011

Knowledge branch: Arts and humanities

Doctoral website:

Organised by:Department of Theory of Languages and Communication Sciences

Management Centre:Postgraduate School

Participating Universities:University of Valencia-General Study

Programme Coordinator:Dr Francesc Andreu Martínez Gallego

Places available for new students:30 places

Aims: The objectives of the programme are: to study the main principles of communication and the creation of the vision of the world through language and culture; to recognise and reflect on the communication policies of the media systems in the information society; to analyse the impact of new technologies in the social and political organisation as well as in other areas such as the administrative, the cultural and the economical ones; to get the necessary skills regarding the media languages used in the communication flow of the information society; to get the competences and skills to teach and to develop research projects within the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.

Description: The Doctoral Programme in “Communication” aims to: -To deep in the knowledge of the basic principles of communication and the shaping of the world view through language and culture. - To recognise and to reflect around the communicative policies of different media systems. -To analyse the impact of new technologies in the social and political organisation, at all levels, from administrative and bureaucratic to cultural and economic spheres. - To achieve the appropriate competencies of media languages used in the communicative flow of the information society. To achieve the suitability for teaching performance in the context of training and employment integration within the European Higher Education Area. - To acquire the competencies and skills needed in the development of media research projects.

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