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Doctoral Programme in Economic History

Programme code: 3164

Regulations: Information not available

Knowledge branch: Social and legal science

Organised by:Information not available

Management Centre:Postgraduate School

Participating Universities:Information not available

Programme Coordinator:Dra. María Ángeles Pons Brias (UVEG)

Places available for new students:5

Aims: The aim of the programme is to train specialised researchers in the different areas of Economic History to make them able to analyse, understand, solve problems and generate knowledge in this filed and in the economic development in the long term. The transversal nature of this area differentiates specialists in Economic History from economists, and places them in a privileged position to answer the questions related to the development of societies in the very long term. The goal is to train students to become professionals able to carry out quality research in universities or research centres, public or private, and also meaningful research in public administrations, in companies and in the third sector (consultant’s offices or study services).

Description: Information not available

Administrative information: Information not available

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