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Doctoral Programme in Law, Political Science and Criminology

Tutor and thesis director assignment

The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme (CAD) will assign the doctoral student a tutor at the moment of admission, and in the maximum period of six months since the students’ enrolment, a thesis director.

The figures of the tutor and the director will coincide as long as possible. Only if the director is not a part of the UV, it will be necessary to assign the doctoral student a tutor from within the center, who with previous agreement from the director, will be allowed to act as thesis co-director too.

Any doctor with experience may become a doctoral thesis director, being independent from the Universitat, centre or institution in which they perform their services. The Doctoral Programme Academic Committee, being the doctoral student and director or tutor heard, is allowed to modify the naming of the tutor or director at any point of the doctoral programme, as long as the reasons are justified.

The thesis may be co-directed, with previous authorisation by the CAD, by other Spanish or foreign doctors with accredited researching experience as long as the reasons are either academic or scientific and with a maximum of three doctors in total.The thesis director assignment is associated with the signature of a compromise Document signed by the UV, the programme’s coordinator, the doctoral student and the director or tutor of the Universitat who is allowed to act as thesis codirector with previous agreement of the doctoral students.

Doctoral Students’ Activities Document

After being admitted in the doctoral programme in Law, Political Sciences and Criminology, the Doctoral Programme Academic Committee (CAD) will open an ACTIVITY DOCUMENT customized for each doctoral student which will include all the activities carried out within the frame of the doctoral programme.

The tutor and/or director, according to the instructions the CAD is able to establish, will indicate the number of activities to be carried out and will guide the doctoral student in their election. Likewise, they will be responsible of authorizing and verifying those activities and of maintaining an updated register which will accompany the forms on the degree of academic progress, working with the doctoral student and in a control procedure.

The characteristics, format and support of this document will be adjusted to the indications established by the School of Doctoral Programmes of the UV and the CAD.

The Doctoral student will hand in the Activities Document to the CAD so that it can be assessed and approved, if it is the case; the activities must have been previously checked by the tutor or thesis director.

Research Plan

The doctoral student, before ending the first year, elaborate a RESEARCH PLAN which will include, among others, the following contents:

-Doctoral Thesis title

-Thesis director



-Available resources

-Temporal planning (adjusted to the doctoral student’s dedication)


-Research Plan form (PDF document)- check attached document

The research plan, co-signed by the tutor and/or thesis director will be evaluated yearly by the CAD that will take into account the interest of the studied copy, the project’s viability, the planning and the level of yearly compliance.

Yearly assessment of the Research Plan and the Activity Document

The Doctoral Programme Academic Committee will assess the Research Plan and the Activity Document along with the reports which they will have to send to the tutor or the director. A positive assessment will be a compulsory requirement to continue in the Doctoral Programme in Law, Political Science and Criminology.  In case of a negative assessment, which will be consciously explained, the doctoral student will have to be assessed again in the following six months with a new Research plan. In case of receiving a new negative assessment, the student will not be able to finish his/her studies within the programme.