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Doctoral Programme in Quantitative Finance and Economy

Programme code: 3125

Regulations: Royal Decree 99/2011

Knowledge branch: Social and legal science

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Organised by:Department of Financial and Actuarial Economics

Management Centre:Postgraduate School

Participating Universities:Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Universidad del País Vasco (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) and the Universitat de Valencia (Estudi General)

Programme Coordinator:Dr Francisco J. Climent Diranzo

Places available for new students:14 places

Aims: The aim of the programme is the writing and defence of a doctoral thesis. The doctorate in Legal Studies must provide an extensive professional training in various fields, especially in those that require creativity and innovation. It shall provide skills to cope with contexts with little specific information, to find the key questions that must be answered to solve a complex problem, to design, create, develop and launch new and innovative projects, etc. These doctoral studies have a clear objective specially designed for studies services of Credit Entities. The doctoral studies shall guarantee the acquisition of the basic competences established in the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.

Description: There is a strong demand by financial institutions of doctoral students in Finances and Quantitative Economy, as its graduates are becoming real experts in risk assessment. Specifically, 7 of the 21 doctoral students of the programme are currently working in financial institutions (Banco de España, BBVA, BSCH, ITZARRI, FED of Chicago...), while the rest of students have joined different National and Foreign Universities as professors. Given that there are different research lines in this programme, the type of business or potential institution varies greatly. For example, the doctoral students who specialise in energy subjects have as potential interested companies to big Spanish energy companies. Those who specialise in Labour Market, being an expert in applied analysis of this market, may be of interest to specialised consulting in the labour market analysis. Given that other research line of the programme is the Monetary Economy, institutions such as Central Banks (national or international) may be interested in these students. Besides, it has an analitycal component, therefore the estimate/computing needs are, in general, high. In consequence, a clear knowledge in estimate/computing techniques closely related to R&D development of the professional scientific sector is provided.

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