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Doctoral Programme in Physiology



    The Department of Fisiology, with its facilities in the Faculty of Medicine and Odontology and in the Faculty of Farmacy, along with the University Hospitals, banks on the adequate resources to guarantee the development of specific training activities scheduled, observing the accessibility criteria and design for all.


Laboratories and seminars

    The Departament of Fisiology is endowed with specific research labs, both in the Faculty of Medicine and Odontology and in the Faculty of armacy, with a total of 925 m2, as well as in the Research Central Unit, where some research lines of the teams of the Programme are developed. The Department is also provided with 2 seminar rooms in the Faculty of Medicine and 1 in the Faculty of Farmacy.

    Likewise, the Department is prepared with the necessary infraestructure of both Faculties as for thr rooms, seminars, computering room, free access room, multipurpose room, Aula Magna and Events Hall, as well as in the research laboratories of other departments with which collaboration is habitual

Library-Newspaper archives

    The Library of Health Sciences “Pelegrí Casanova” is located in the Faculty of Medicine and Odontology, whose Newspapers Archieve has a researve collection since 1900 until nowadays. The Library and the Newspapers Archieve have been refurnised, providing them with large areas of bibliographic consultation, both for paper magazines and electronic magazines.

    The Newspaper Archieve has more than 400 medical-scientific paper journals, being the last 5 years of direct access to the hall. Moreover, the Newspaper library is suscribed to more than 4.000 electronic journals on Biomedical Sciences, and the teaching staff and studnets can accedd on-line to the complete texts.

    Faculty has a specific WiFi Network installed which make the access easy, among others, electronic resources of the Newspaper Library. It is provided, moreover, with wide reading spots.

    The Library is accessible for people with reduced mobility. It has adapted computers with software specific for sensory impairments and has a protocol for enabling facilitation measures in loan management for disabled students.


Central Unit for Research in Medicine (UCIM)

    The Faculty of Medicine and Odontology is provided with a unic scientific facility with more than 1700 m2 of extension. The project gathers the necessary facilities to provide researchers of the biomedical field with the appropriate equipment, centralised and well coordined, close to important hospitals , and endowed with the necessary bio-security measures.

    It is comprised of a service for genes expression (Affymetrix Platform) multifoton confocal microscopy, positron emission tomography (PET) for experimental animals, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, sequencing technologies, RT-PCR, etc. This United is provided with the necessary complementary services to give support to researchers: barns adapted to the current regulations, facility for radionuclides aproved by the Nuclear Security Council, cell culture laboratory and other necessary common servces.

    The technological platforms currently installed in the UCIM provide services with researchers of autonomous and local level, but also to research projects in natonal, panEuropean and American scientific networks. The UCIM has collaboration agreements signed through the University with research and hospital centres at national level and with scientific fundations, such as the Foundation for Research of the Clinical Hospital of Valencia and Genoma Spain. Likewise, it has specific services of metabolomics where the magnetic resonance spectroscopy services with two dimensions gels systems and PET, creating a umolecular and metabolomic unit.


University Hospitals (CHU AP)

    In 1997, the Valencian Department for Health, the Valencian Provincial Council and the UV subscribed a concert for the utilisation of Health institutions in university research and education (Resolution 23 April 1997 of the Office of the Secretary of the Government of the Valencian Government, published in teh Official diary of the Valencian Community 2.982 of 30 Aprild 1997) which is attached, in fullfilling the Royal Decreees 644/1988, 1558/1986 and 1652/1991 referent to the general bases of the regimen of agreements among universities and health institutions.

The University Hospitals of the Faculty of Medicine and Odontology are:

      Clinic University Hospital

      University Hospital La Fe

      General University Hospital

      University Hospital La Fe


    The Faculty of Medicine and Odontology and the Faculty of Farmacy comply with the regulation concerning accessibility, observing the university accessibility criteria and design for everybody, under the previsions of the Law 51/2003, of 2 December, in equality of oportunities, no discrimination and universal accessibility of disabled people. Both Faculties and the UV, are subscribed to different revision and maintenance conrtacts of materials, equipments and services available thereof.



    Biomecanical Research Groups Applied to Sport

·     Free radicals & antioxidants research group. Department of Physiology University of Valencia

    Research laboratory in endothelial cells. Department of Physiology University of Valencia 

    Cardiac electrophysiology AND Bioengyneering Group

    Biomedical research in rare illnesses centre

     Spanish Group in Research in Free Radicals

    HERACLES Netwoek of Cardiovascular research

    Spanish Society of Physiological Sciences

    Spanish Society of Physiological Sciences

·     Federation of European Physiological Sociétés.