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Curs de Màster i Doctorat de dispositius optoelectrònics

  • 19 d’abril de 2018

El Departament de Física aplicada i electromagnetisme organitza a l'abril, del 23 al 27, el curs: 'Photonics in optoelectronic devices', inclòs en el programa d'activitats formatives dirigides a estudiants de Màster i de Doctorat. Dr. José M. Llorens Montolio, del Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología (CSIC), Madrid, serà el professor encarregat de dirigir este curs.


Curso de Master y Doctorado

Photonics in optoelectronic devices

Fecha: del 23 al 27 de abril, 2018.  De 15h a 17h.

Lugar: Dep. de Física Aplicada y Electromagnetismo, Seminario.   

Impartido por:  Dr. Jose M. Llorens Montolio, Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología (CSIC), Madrid

No es necesaria la inscripción.
Información y contacto nuria.garro@uv.es


The lectures are divided in two main parts. The first one focuses on the integration of photonic structures to enhance the performance of optoelectronic devices. Special emphasis is placed on light trapping strategies for solar cells, i.e. in pushing the solar cell efficiency by increasing the optical path length within the absorbing layer. The lectures will start with an introduction to the relevant concepts followed by a review of different research results. After that, a practical numerical exercises will be performed. The main topics that will be discussed are:

- Review of the Shockley-Queisser limit for a Lambertian surface
- Light trapping assisted by periodic structures
- Resonances in open systems: “Quasi-normal modes”
- Photon enhanced thermionic emitters

The second part is devoted to the study of the Aharonov-Bohm effect in semiconductor nanostructures. The case study is for self-assembled quantum dots exhibiting a type-II band alignment. It is shown how to change the topology of the hole wave function through an external gate voltage in a p-i-ndiode.