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The ETSE-UV holds the Ada Lovelace Day IEEEsbUV joins the celebration

  • October 6th, 2017
The ETSE-UV holds the Ada Lovelace Day IEEEsbUV joins the celebration

The IEEE student branch of the Universitat de València, IEEEsbUV, collaborates in the organization of Ada Lovelace Day.

From 2011, the ETSE-UV has its own branch of IEEE students, which currently has more than 80 associates among students, graduates and PhDs of all grades taught at the centre. The main purpose of the association is to promote study and research through the collective participation of all degrees in projects in which all disciplines have a place.

As we are aware of the need to support female engineers and scientists and to promote the vocation of future students towards a career in engineering. The IEEEsbUV includes in its 2017 activities the collaboration in the organization of Ada Lovelace Day in the ETSE-UV, supporting the realization of the photocall to make visible the women who study and work in the ETSE-UV.