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The Master’s Degree in Bioinformatics starts the renewal of its accreditation

  • January 28th, 2016
Acreditación Bioinformática

During the visits, scheduled for 1, 2 and 3 February, the assessors will examine the installations and will interview the different collectives involved in the degree: students, professors, direction teams, graduated, employers, etc.

The degree will be subject to an exhaustive assessment process by the AVAP (Valencian Agency for Assessment and Prospective), with the objective of checking if the the results obtained are adequate and coherent in reference to its verification report. Once the renewal is obtained, the master’s degree will continue being taught for the next four years-

External Evaluation Committee is formed by four members that come from different Spanish universities, one of which is a student.

Added to the planned interviews, there will be a public audience in case any person who may be interested and who was not previously interviewed can share their vision the evaluated degrees.

The visit to the School’s installations is schedule for 2 February; the rest of the sessions with the different collectives involved in the degree (students, professors, employers, graduates, self-assessment committee, etc.) will take place in the Faculty of Pharmacy’s installations.