Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of PhysicsExperimenta Fire Logo del portal

Available Practices

Following, there is a list of the practices available, as well as a brief description of each one of them. These practices are considered the most appropriate taking into account the Physics programme in the 4th course of ESO and in the batxiller and the way of dealing with the concepts in this educational level.

Title Description Level
M1 Can we become bats thanks to the sinking of the Titanic? Initiation to the graphic representation of movements with a qualitative and/or quantitative analysis 4º ESO
1º Batxiller
M2. In Heaven and in Earth: Satellites, balls and meteorites falling free. Determination of the gravitational acceleration in free fall of a basketball. Study of the energy in the bounces. Complementary activities 1º Batxiller
M3. Falls on ramps or whys of the brakes Movement on a sloping plane (ski, sktateboard, etc.). Determination of the acceleration according to the angles of the plane and to the gravitational accerelation. Energy conservation Complementary activities 1º Batxiller

Optics Practices Available

Following there is a list of optics practices available, as well as a brief description of each one of them. These practices are the considered most appropriate taking into account the Physics programme in batxiller (Spanish upper secondary school education) and the way of dealing with the concepts in this educational level.

Title Description Level
01. Image formation with with lenses. Study of the image formation laws: Divergent and convergent lenses. Construction of a compound microscope: Observation and measuring of objects of small dimensions. 2º Baxtiller
O2. Introduction to the diffraction phenomena with light waves. Obtaining and study of the diffraction patterns of different apertures: Simple slit, double slit and diffraction grating. Determination of the wavelength of a laser point from the previous diffraction patterns. Analysis of the diffraction pattern produced by a CD and a DVD. 2º Baxtiller